These are the resolutions of the Corona summit, and so it continues for Berlin – BZ Berlin


The Berlin Senate will advise on Thursday on the results of the meeting between Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and state prime ministers on the crown crisis.


Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states agreed on Wednesday uniform rules for cities and regions with a high number of infections. These include an expansion of the mask requirement, a limitation on the number of guests at private celebrations, contact restrictions in public spaces, and a curfew for restaurants.

Mask requirement: In cities and regions with rapidly increasing crown numbers, the mask requirement will be expanded. Out of 35 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, it should also apply where people are closer or longer.

Private celebrations: In regions with rapidly increasing crown numbers, private celebrations will generally be limited to a maximum of ten participants and two households in the future. The limit applies to more than 50 new infections per 100,000 residents within seven days.

Contact restrictions: If new infections exceed the value of 50, in the future only a maximum of ten people will be allowed to meet in public space. If the new measures do not stop the increase, it will be reduced to five people or the members of two households.

Curfew: Also with 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days, a curfew will be imposed at 11 pm for the restaurant sector. Bars and clubs will be closed.

► There was no agreement on controversial accommodation bans for people in high-risk areas in the interior of Germany with a high number of infections, including Berlin. Some federal states want to keep it for now during the fall break. By November 8, the effectiveness of the controversial measure must be verified, as stated.

That’s what Müller says about resolutions

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) believes that the next few weeks will be particularly important for the future course of the corona pandemic. “Now we are in a crucial phase,” he said after deliberations at the Foreign Ministry. “If we want to avoid more far-reaching, far-reaching measures … the next few weeks will probably count.”

Berlin Mayor Michael Müller at the Prime Ministers' meeting with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin on Wednesday (Photo: dpa)
Berlin Mayor Michael Müller at the Prime Ministers’ meeting with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin on Wednesday (Photo: dpa)

He considers reasonable the restrictions for the Germans in the crisis of the Crown. “I know what we expect from a lot of people,” Müller said. “But what else can we really do for everyone to understand? We are in a global crisis. And in a global crisis there are restrictions ”. And these could be considerably more dramatic than what the federal and state governments have decided so far.

also read

► Merkel: “It did not stop the increase as we wanted”

► Merkel: If the measures don’t work after ten days, then …

Everyone should be aware: “Yes, in a crisis there are efforts. And now we have to make this effort together, we have to overcome this crisis together, ”said Müller. For many it is a restriction “not to have the pub open until midnight, but only until 11 at night and, who knows, maybe in two or three weeks only until 8 at night,” said the mayor of government. But health is paramount. And there is a way to get support. “

Much is already true in Berlin

Müller noted that many of the measures now led by the federal and state governments had already been decided in Berlin. “But it is very clear that it must also be implemented and monitored. We will take these control obligations very seriously. “

A police car passes a restaurant that has already closed due to a curfew (Photo: REUTERS)
A police car passes a restaurant that has already closed due to a curfew (Photo: REUTERS)

In Berlin, there has been a curfew between 11 pm and 6 am since last Saturday, during which all restaurants and almost all shops have to close. Also, private indoor meetings can only include a maximum of ten people. Only five people or members of two households can gather in public outdoor spaces at night.

What is expected for today

In addition to the consultations, a decision is expected on the emergency aid planned for Berlin restaurateurs, who are threatened in their existence due to the night curfew that has been in force since Saturday to contain the corona pandemic. You should be able to get a grant of up to 3000 euros for the rental costs.

Read about this too

► Rector Miller: Prohibition of accommodation does not make sense

► 503 new corona cases – 7-day incidence continues to rise, one red light

According to the economic administration, there are up to 2,500 bars and restaurants that have to “make credible” losses compared to the previous month. In exceptional cases, companies in other retail sectors, such as night outlets, should also be able to submit applications.

The new program, which the Senate had already agreed in principle on Tuesday, will be limited to the duration of strict Crown rules, that is, initially until October 31.

The number of cases

Berlin has been above the critical threshold of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days for some time, and the trend is increasing. According to Corona’s management report on Thursday, the value was 76.3.

The district of Neukölln stands out with 173.1. Authorities attribute the sharp increase in corona infections to private parties and illegal outdoor parties with a lot of alcohol.
