There are deviations: countries announce the implementation of resolutions


With a six-page document, the federal and state governments are blocking Germany. However, state governments must implement the resolutions. It is already clear that there are also deviations, from curfews in Bavaria to the opening of very specific kindergartens and shops in Berlin.

The federal and state governments have agreed to stricter crown measures in principle. However, implementation is the responsibility of individual state governments. Although they generally must adhere to the rules that will apply from Wednesday, including contact restrictions, business and school closures, they also take specific regional measures. Even if final decisions have not yet been made in many countries, there are already some discrepancies:

In Bayern Strict night-out restrictions will apply to the entire Free State. This was announced by Prime Minister Markus Söder. So far, this has only been applied to access points. In that case, staying in the public space is only allowed for a few valid reasons. According to Söder, Bavaria wants to “implement to the maximum” the measures decided by the states and the federal government.

as well Sedan it essentially sticks to resolutions. However, the nurseries do not remain open, as the Senate initially announced. Instead, there should only be emergency care. The city-state called on parents to take care of children at home if possible. There should be the possibility of a care leave. When it comes to business closings, Berlin deviates slightly: bookstores should stay open, as they did during the spring close. Unlike then, construction and furniture stores have to close. Berlin adopts the five-person rule for contacts. There are no budget restrictions on December 24 and 25.

In Brandenburg most schools will be closed for face-to-face classes starting Monday. This was announced by the Prime Minister of Brandenburg, Dietmar Woidke. Final classes and special schools are excluded. After the Christmas break, all other students are only required to have distance lessons until January 10.

Bremen According to Mayor Andreas Bovenschulte, the SPD will take over the looser contact restrictions between December 24 and 26. “That was one of the shortest meetings between the prime ministers and the chancellor today,” he said.

burgers The Senate has already approved the stricter rules. They correspond to the agreement of the federal-state summit. From Wednesday to January 10, only five people from two households can meet privately in Hamburg. There may be more on Christmas days. Compulsory school attendance will be suspended as of Wednesday. Schools are open from Friday until Christmas break. Care is provided in nurseries. The playgrounds remain open. In nursing homes and nursing homes, periodic rapid tests should be prescribed for employees and visitors. In his opinion, closing the stores even earlier would have been better, said First Mayor Peter Tschentscher. Unfortunately, some countries have said that they cannot do this soon.

Lower saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil has asked people not to go to the stores for last minute Christmas shopping at the beginning of the week. “We look forward to a particularly calm and peaceful holiday throughout Germany and also in Lower Saxony. Make the most of it and think with us of all those who are already struggling with the serious consequences of the coronavirus or who are already mourning family or friends.” . “

North Rhine-Westphalia has suspended compulsory school attendance as of Monday. From the eighth grade it should be possible to learn at a distance. The nurseries also remain open to ensure the care of children. Like his colleague, Prime Minister Armin Laschet called for leaving children at home if possible. Unlike spring, the elderly and those in need of care are not isolated, according to Laschet. Contact restrictions apply at NRW as agreed to by the federal and state governments. According to Laschet, there should be no home controls. “There will be no samples under the Christmas trees,” said the CDU politician. But one could “start where there is a suspicion that the rules are being blatantly violated.” Unlike initially planned, hotel stays for Christmas guests are prohibited. There should be no statewide exit restrictions in NRW, but they are possible at hotspots with a 7-day incidence of more than 200. “We consider contact restrictions to be the most correct means,” Laschet said.

In Rhineland-Palatinate in principle, nurseries should remain open. Prime Minister Malu Dreyer appealed to parents to take care of their children at home if possible. If parents had to work, could not find any other care, or children had special needs, they could continue to take their children to daycare. Compulsory school attendance will be suspended from Wednesday. However, schools remained open for children who cannot be served until the start of the holidays on Friday. Regarding store closings, Dreyer emphasized that “pickup and delivery services in stores are possible.”

I am Saar the agreed regulations must be decided on Tuesday. Compulsory school attendance will be lifted from Wednesday to January 10. There must be an educational offer for students up to sixth grade if they cannot be supervised. Kindergartens are also rarely closed. “There is a care for children whose parents have to work,” Prime Minister Tobias Hans said. The country wants to adopt the adopted contact restrictions. The exit restrictions were only a “last resort,” Hans said.

Saxony decided on a stricter lockdown on Friday due to the high number of infections, which will take effect from Monday. Schools, day-care centers and after-school care centers remain closed, as do many retail stores. Nighttime curfews should be applied at critical points.

In Saxony-Anhalt on the other hand, the easing could be canceled by Christmas. It remains that a maximum of five people are allowed to meet, Prime Minister Reiner Haseloff said in Wittenberg. “Currently we do not see any relaxation as justified,” said the CDU politician. The federal and state governments had agreed that a household with four other immediate family members should be able to meet from December 24 to 26, even if more than two households meet.

Contact restrictions decided on the summit, including slight relaxation for Christmas wants Schleswig-Holstein according to Prime Minister Daniel Günther implement one by one. As early as Monday, parents in the north should no longer send their children to school or daycare if there are other childcare options. As of Wednesday there will only be emergency care in schools and nurseries. Günther asked people to refrain from shopping on Mondays and Tuesdays. The country approved its new Corona regulation on Monday, which will apply until January 10.
