The virologist Drosten warns of the closure until the end of February


In view of the increase in corona infections, Christian Drosten is sounding the alarm. The virologist is in favor of stricter measures during Christmas. Otherwise, there could be a lockdown in late February.

To contain the corona pandemic in Germany, virologist Christian Drosten has spoken out in favor of a rapid tightening of measures. “The fact is, something absolutely needs to be done now,” said the Charité scientist on the NDR’s “Coronavirus Update” podcast. The holiday season is very likely to cause an increase in the number of cases. If there is no readjustment now, a blockade threatens “at the end of January and beyond all of February” with massive consequences for the economy.

Drosten is one of the experts who published one on Tuesday Statement of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina has contributed. It is recommended to use holidays and the change of year for a “total lockdown”. From December 24 to at least January 10, “public life throughout Germany was to be practically inactive.” Already from December 14, contacts should be reduced to an “absolute minimum”.

The virologist said that perhaps the article should be understood as a “clear and final warning of science.” If politicians decide otherwise, they will no longer have chosen science.

Spahn puts people in the mood for tougher measures

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) can easily imagine a tougher post-Christmas lockdown in the fight against the corona virus. “I don’t know how the others are doing, but my quietest time of the year is actually around Christmas until early January. And I could hardly think of a better time to immerse myself in society, to reduce contacts,” Spahn said am Tuesday in “Bild live”.

In view of the persistently high number of infections, it makes sense “to reduce life a little more comprehensively, for a shorter time, to reduce contacts, to reduce the number of infections,” Spahn emphasized. This must now be discussed with the federal states. It is clear: “If we don’t slowly reduce the numbers now, if the numbers don’t improve, especially in intensive care units, additional measures will be needed.”

The Health Minister hopes that the corona vaccine can be administered in Germany “by the end of the year, at the latest in January.” He expected approval by the end of the year, he said. Once the vaccine reaches the GP’s office, mass vaccination will be accelerated. He is optimistic: “Family physicians are currently vaccinating more than 20 million doses of the flu vaccine. And that works in a few weeks. Once we are there, it can happen quickly.”
