The vaccine will not make the coronavirus disappear


Virologe Hendrik Streeck im Interview:

The battle plan for fighting the corona pandemic is underway. The federal and state governments want to arm themselves for the crown winter approaching by tightening the crown’s restrictions. On Tuesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed with the 16 prime ministers on new rules for celebrations and events, as well as fines for incorrect contact details in restaurants. RTL host Peter Kloeppel spoke with Bonn’s chief virologist Hendrik Streeck about the new measures. How sensible do you think the resolutions are, he explains in the video.

Streeck warns against scaremongering and public opinion

Virologist Hendrik Streeck, director of the Institute of Virology at Bonn University Hospital, looks forward to the upcoming fall season. “In many cities, during the fall and winter, we will uproot 50 to 100 residents because of new infections,” Streeck said in an interview with Peter Kloeppel. It warns against raising any fear in society. “There is a lot of warning about it, but if you notice it constantly, these warnings are no longer noticeable,” said the virologist. It is much more important to think of solutions and “caveats that really work.”

Today’s resolutions are a positive path, Streeck says. “First of all, I think it is good that uniform national rules have been found. What is missing with a little is personal responsibility and mindfulness towards other people, ”he says. A pandemic is a marathon and “not a short sprint that ends in January.” “We will have to deal with that in the next few years,” he explains. The federal government should not react to the current situation with bans, but more with commandos.

Virologist Hendrik Streeck shuts down hopes for vaccines

Streeck also commented on the topic of vaccines in the RTL interview. In his opinion, it is very difficult to predict when a vaccine will be available. “Especially in the last phase, there are surprises that are often not expected,” he says.

TVNOW Documentaries: Corona and the Aftermath

The corona virus has kept the world in suspense for weeks. On TVNOW you can now find interesting documentation on the development, spread and consequences of the pandemic.

You can find more videos on the topic of coronavirus here
