The United States Navy publishes videos of unidentified flying objects


Updated on April 28, 2020, 7:25 a.m.

Are there alien UFOs or not? Gunshots from American fighter jets fuel speculation. Now the Pentagon has released the videos to clarify what’s behind the unknown “aerial phenomenon.”

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The US Navy USA He has posted three videos of unidentified flying objects that have fueled speculation about extraterrestrial UFOs.

The videos show blurry images taken by American fighter jets between 2004 and 2015.

Among other things, they had already been published in an article in the “New York Times” in 2017.

A Pentagon spokeswoman said Monday that the Navy has now officially released the material to clarify the question of whether the videos are real and whether there is more to the footage.

The Pentagon has no explanation for “aerial phenomena”.

“The aerial phenomena observed in the videos continue to be characterized as ‘unidentified,'” the spokeswoman said. Not much to see in the coarse-grained videos.

For example, a clip titled GOFAST.wmv shows a rapidly moving point that is being followed by a team of fighter jets. “Wow, what is that?” Asks one of the men on board.

In the clip titled GIMBAL.wmv, a fighter jet also tracks a rapidly flying object. “Look at the thing,” says an astonished crew member. (hub / dpa)

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