The union rises more than 40 percent, increasing in Corona’s time


The growing Union survey continues in the era of the crown pandemic. For the first time, the CDU and CSU are rising above 40 percent. The remaining parts of the Bundestag lose their approval.

The CDU / CSU could currently count on a clear victory in a federal election. According to the RTL / ntv trend barometer released on Saturday, the Union is currently 40 percent. Compared to the previous week, this means a two point increase.

In the 2017 election, the CDU and CSU had achieved a combined 32.9 percent. This continues a trend in recent weeks: since the start of the Corona crisis, the Union has also grown strongly in other surveys.

According to the Forsa survey, the other parts of the Bundestag could expect the following figures: SPD 15 percent (2017: 20.5%), FDP 6 percent (10.7%), Greens 15 percent (8.9%), Left 7 percent (9.2%), AfD 10 percent (12.6%). This would allow the Union to form a government with the SPD and the Greens, each with 55 percent.
