The total lockdown is said to come no later than Wednesday


Media report
The total lockdown is said to apply no later than Wednesday

According to a media report, a strict lockdown should be applied from Wednesday at the latest due to persistently high crown numbers in Germany. The heads of the federal states are said to have agreed this with the Chancellery on Saturday night.

This is what the business magazine “Business Insider” reported. The Foreign Ministry would prefer that the blockade go into effect on Tuesday.

Prime ministers want to discuss the tightening of the crown measures with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) on Sunday morning. The meeting was called on short notice because previous less stringent measures had not produced the expected change in the number of infections.

According to the “Business Insider” report, private meetings will be limited to two households and a maximum of five people. Children under the age of 14 are exempt from the regulation. During the Christmas holidays, the upper limit will be increased to a maximum of ten people, although countries could draw narrower limits. So more than two households should be allowed, but only if they are direct relatives, as the report says.

Therefore, retail should remain closed during the lockdown. Exceptions are provided for grocery stores, among other things.

There was general agreement that there should be no classroom teaching until January 10, “Business Insider” reported. The actual implementation depends on the individual regulations of the federal states. It has not yet been decided whether the nurseries should also close. According to the report, the states are in favor of keeping it open, while the Foreign Ministry is in favor of closing it.

Top politicians emphasized the need for drastic crown requirements on Saturday. German citizens would have to adjust to the fact that the lockdown “begins next week, when we will largely shut down social life,” Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann told a conference of the digital state party of the Greens. southwest.

Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) stressed that these are “very radical and far-reaching decisions.” Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) also called for tough interventions. It was open at retail closing.

The Robert Koch Institute reported 28,438 new cases of infection within 24 hours on Saturday morning, citing information from health authorities. That was about 1,400 fewer new infections than on Friday, when a new high of 29,875 was reached. The number of deaths per crown increased in one day by 496 to 21,466.

(field / AFP)
