The Top Ten Questions and Answers About SARS-CoV-2


The number of infections in Europe and also in Germany is increasing considerably again. At the same time, there are still many questions about SARS-CoV-2. We answer them.

Now that the number of infections is increasing dramatically again, people are becoming increasingly unsafe. Many wonder how dangerous Covid-19 is, how they can best protect themselves, and who might be particularly affected. t-online provides answers to the most important questions.

What is the coronavirus?

SARS-CoV-2 is short for “severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2” and stands for a new coronavirus. Since early 2020, the pathogen has been considered to be the trigger for Covid-19 disease. Coronaviruses also include SARS and MERS, for example.

According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), coronaviruses are generally widespread among mammals and birds and usually only cause mild colds in humans. However, in rare cases, severe pneumonia can also develop, as in the case of Covid-19.

Until now, among other things, the RKI has assumed that the coronavirus is transmitted primarily through the “absorption of virus-containing particles.” When you breathe, cough, speak and sneeze, droplets and aerosols are created, the transition between the two particles is smooth, but the larger particles sink more quickly to the ground, while the aerosols float longer in the air and can be distributed in closed rooms.

Dear readers: What other questions are you most concerned about about the coronavirus? Email us your questions at [email protected]. We will answer a selection of the questions submitted by you.

What symptoms can SARS-CoV-2 trigger?

According to the RKI, the most common symptoms of coronavirus include cough, fever, runny nose, a disorder of the sense of smell and / or taste, as well as pneumonia. Meanwhile, skin changes, neurological problems such as forgetfulness, but also tiredness and exhaustion have been identified as symptoms in some cases.

For whom is the coronavirus particularly dangerous?

The coronavirus has a different severity for everyone. While many only contract a mild cold, others suffer from severe pneumonia, end up in intensive care, or even die from Covid-19. Even if these severe courses can also occur in younger, healthier patients, according to the RKI there is a frequency in the following groups of people:

  • older people (with an increasing risk of a severe course between the ages of 50 and 60)
  • mens
  • Smoker
  • severely overweight people

People with certain pre-existing conditions:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (for example, coronary heart disease and high blood pressure)
  • chronic lung diseases (for example, COPD)
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases
  • People with diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
  • Cancer patients
  • Patients with weakened immune systems

How can you protect yourself from infection?

The most important measures to protect against coronavirus infection are the official rules of distance and hygiene. You should avoid the crowds: go shopping as little as possible, not to larger celebrations or parties, avoid public transport and prefer to get on your bike.

Try to stay away from other people as much as possible and not get too close to family and friends, for example when greeting them. Good hand hygiene is also important, such as washing your hands thoroughly and regularly and disinfecting them on the go. Also, everyday masks do not protect against infection, but they can prevent you from infecting other people should you become infected.

What does the AHA + A + L-3G rule mean?

The “AHA rule”, which includes distance, hand washing, and daily mask, is now well known to all. However, the rule to protect against coronavirus infection has been expanded in recent weeks: First, with an “L” for “ventilation”: if several people are together in a closed room such as schools or offices, they must be ventilated regularly. advises the federal government.

RKI boss Lothar Wieler also advised avoiding the three “Gs” (-3G): closed rooms, groups and crowds. Health Minister Jens Spahn also adds a third “A”: “A” for the app, that is, for the Corona warning app. If all aspects of the formula are taken into account, there should be fewer coronavirus infections.

Where is a mask required in Germany?

In Germany, it is mandatory to wear a mask on public transport such as buses, trains or trams from the end of April. Also in all stores, shopping malls and markets, where it is difficult to keep your distance.

Meanwhile, in some cities such as Frankfurt or Hamburg, there is also a general obligation to wear a mask outdoors in certain public places or on certain streets. Anyone who violates the mask requirement risks a fine of at least 50 euros in all federal states except Saxony-Anhalt.

How is the coronavirus tested?

If the coronavirus is suspected or if someone returns to Germany from a risk area abroad, they will be tested for SARS-CoV-2. In most cases a PCR test is used for this, but sometimes an antigen or antibody test is also used.

PCR test: This test procedure detects the genome of the virus. To do this, a sample is taken from the nose or throat. The actual test time lasts between four and five hours, but currently it takes a few days before the result can be reported.

Antigen test: The antigen test should detect an acute coronavirus infection within minutes. These tests are significantly faster, but so far also less reliable than PCR tests.

Antibody test: Currently, a blood coronavirus antibody test is used primarily to clarify the spread of the virus. It takes one to two weeks between the first symptoms and the detection of specific antibodies. SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies can be detected both during the acute infection phase and after symptoms have resolved.

How does the Corona warning app work?

The corona warning app was developed to warn users if they have had contact with someone infected with corona. If the app sounds the alarm, those affected should be tested and isolated as a precaution. The goal is to break the chains of infection.

About 15 percent of people in Germany have already installed the app. Anyone who has been infected with the coronavirus and has positive test tests can write this down anonymously on the app. The app then informs all other users that they have had contact with the sick person in the last 14 days.

Corona warning app indicates increased risk: After risk encounters, a corona test may also be necessary.  (Source: imago images / Photothek)Corona warning application indicates increased risk: After risk encounters, a corona test may also be necessary. (Source: Photothek / imago images)

The application automatically differentiates between a low risk, for example, in the case of a fleeting contact, and a high risk in the case of a prolonged contact. However, the application does not record any data about the time of a risk encounter and the location remains unknown. This protects both the identity of the infected person and that of the contact person.

Can I go on vacation now? What do the travel advisories and risk zones mean?

A vacation is basically possible and allowed. However, the Federal Government advises residents of particular risk areas not to travel, and many countries also have official travel advisories and special provisions for returning from a risk area abroad.

If you are traveling to Germany from abroad and have been in a risk zone in the last 14 days, you are required to be tested for coronavirus upon arrival and to be quarantined at home until the test results have been transmitted. You should also inform the responsible authority for your place of residence, usually the local health department.

The exceptions only apply in some federal states, for example if you are just passing through or have a negative Corona test that is no more than 48 hours old and recognized in Germany. In addition, there are quarantine regulations in the country of travel in case of a positive corona test: in most cases, it is not possible to return to Germany within quarantine.

If you contract the coronavirus at your vacation destination, your international travel medical insurance will normally cover the costs of treatment. But if you travel to a country despite a travel advisory and classification as a risk area, you are generally not covered by this insurance. Therefore, you need to get good advice beforehand and take out special health insurance. You need to factor in significantly higher costs and limited services. Due to travel advisories and in general during the corona pandemic, many travel providers have special cancellation conditions, especially for package tours.

What applies to risk areas within Germany?

In a meeting on October 7, the federal and state governments decided to adopt special measures for regional risk areas. In principle, residents of risk areas should avoid traveling within Germany. Furthermore, tourists from inland risk areas in Germany should only be allowed to stay in accommodation if they can present a negative Corona test. The test should not be more than 48 hours.

However, not all federal states have passed the resolution uniformly. Therefore, you should always inform yourself separately about the location of your holiday destination and, if necessary, contact your accommodation directly. Furthermore, in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, for example, there is an obligation to quarantine travelers from risk areas.
