“The thing escaped us” is like “We can do it” – Bosbach uses Merkel’s phrase – internal politics


“The thing escaped us,” Chancellor Angela Merkel (66) said last week at an internal change conference with the leaders of the parliamentary group of the Union of federal states (BILD reported). An admission that made millions of Germans sit up and take notice.

On Saturday, commented former deputy leader of the CDU parliamentary group Wolfgang Bosbach (68). And it reminded him of another famous phrase from Merkel about the refugee crisis: “We can do it!”

In his podcast “Die Wochenester” with television chef Christian Rach (63), when asked if this made him doubt the competence of politicians and the federal government: “I had to say: ‘The thing escaped us’ he smiles because the phrase reminded me ‘We can do it’ … ”.

Bosbach continues: “At that point I immediately asked who are ‘we’ and what is ‘that’. And even with the phrase “The thing escaped us”, it is not clear to me who “we” is and what is meant by “thing”. Because something can only escape if you grabbed it firmly beforehand. ”

The CDU politician doubts that Merkel and the federal government ever had Corona under control. “I don’t even know if it is possible or possible to have firm control over Covid with political decisions. Perhaps Covid had us all, including the government, more under control and even more under control than the other way around, ”he speculated.

He did not want to attack Merkel by name and said: “I do not doubt the competence of individual personalities.” Then he added, however: “Of course we can explain exactly who is responsible for what according to the distribution of powers in the Basic Laws …”.

But in the pandemic, everyone hides behind everyone, including Merkel. Because with today’s organization, no one can be held responsible for errors or omissions.

Bosbach: “With the organization we have now, everyone can say: ‘No, not me. It was the neighbor. It was the federal government, the state, the municipality, the European Union ”. They all point to the other ”. This is incomprehensible to many people, because they expect the person with the competition to take responsibility as well.

“Everyone is always responsible for what goes well. For what goes wrong, it is mainly the others. And that means confidence in politics is lost, ”Bosbach said, complaining about the pandemic and vaccine management in Germany and Europe.

„Uns ist das Ding entglitten“, sagte Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, die hier bei der Plenarsitzung im Deutschen Bundestag vom vergangenen Donnerstag zu sehen ist - über die Corona-PandemiePhoto: Dorothée Barth / dpa

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“The thing got away from us,” Chancellor Angela Merkel, who can be seen here in the plenary session in the German Bundestag last Thursday, said of the corona pandemic.Photo: Dorothée Barth / dpa

When asked if he could also imagine rioting and looting in the Federal Republic of Germany, such as in the Netherlands, where a night curfew was imposed for the first time since World War II, Bosbach said: “I cannot rule that out. Unfortunately.”

But he also doesn’t want to cause such disturbances. “So far there has been no concrete evidence of this.” Especially since, according to polls, a stable majority of German citizens agree with the Crown’s measures and could even imagine stricter rules.

Those who think the rules are exaggerated are a comparatively small group. Bosbach warned, however: “Even a small but radical minority can scare the country.”
