The social partners in the public service are on the verge of a breakthrough


The night is said to have brought the breakthrough: Unions and employers want to resolve their month-long pay dispute over public service today. Meanwhile, a negotiating agreement proposal is on the table, as the negotiating parties’ spokesman said Sunday night in Potsdam. At first nothing was known about its exact content, but more information will be available at noon. With an agreement, new strikes in clinics, nurseries, local transport and town halls would be ruled out after weeks of strikes.

The approval of the federal collective bargaining commissions of Ver.di and the dbb Beamtenbund, as well as the general assembly of the United Municipal Employers Associations (VKA) and the federal government are still pending. However, it was still scheduled for Sunday. The eight negotiators want to meet again in Potsdam in the morning. In addition to Horst Seehofer (CSU), who represents the federal government, he includes Mayor Ulrich Mädge (SPD) of Lüneburg for the municipalities, and for the unions, the head of Ver.di, Frank Werneke, and Ulrich Silberbach, president of the dbb Beamtenbund and Tarifunion.

The grassroots representatives of the unions wanted to decide on an agreement according to the statutes by majority. Change requests could also be made there. Federal Interior Minister Seehofer announced in the internal round that he wanted to get feedback from within the federal government, as stated.

The third round of ongoing negotiations began on Thursday. Positions were far apart for a long time. The negotiations lasted almost 14 hours on Saturday. During the night, the bodies of both sides discussed the proposed collective agreement. The revenues of about 2.3 million city and federal employees will be determined. According to union demands, the result should be transferred to some 225,000 officials. After the final state of negotiations, revenue should increase in stages.

Because it worked

  • Linear increase in income: The unions had entered into negotiations demanding a 4.8 per cent increase in wages and salaries over a period of one year. The federal government and municipalities had offered a total rate hike of 3.5 percent, or 1.0 percent on March 1, 2021, then another 1.0 percent and 1.5 percent a year later. The term should be three years. The unions rejected a term as long as “crystal ball reading.” The three years were “very important” for employers.

  • Lower Income Strengthening: The unions demanded at least 150 euros more a month. The entrepreneurs offered a minimum amount of 30 euros. And a special crown payment for all employees to alleviate the weight of the crisis amounting to 300 euros.

  • Nursing staff: In light of the stress and strain of caregivers in the corona pandemic, attention is at the center of the negotiations. Employers had offered an assistance allowance of € 50 per month for employees of hospitals and health centers. Verdi’s boss, Frank Werneke, had dismissed this as “scandalous.” The unions are demanding an allowance of 300 euros. Individual care areas are being intensively negotiated. VKA boss Ulrich Mädge had announced: “According to our ideas, an intensive care nurse will receive 8% more salary.”

Due to the corona pandemic, the collective bargaining round took place under special conditions. Members of Ver.di’s rate commission were connected in part online. Unions were under pressure to hold strikes and protests in compliance with hygiene regulations. Municipal budgets are burdened by the economic crisis and falling business tax revenue.

Icon: The mirror
