The six dark secrets of the crown crisis.


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Newsletter from the editor-in-chief Florian Harms

Good morning, dear readers,

Here is the annotated summary of the day’s topics, today with a little experiment:


Maybe you didn’t know yet. Then you know: they lied to you. Systematically. For weeks. You shouldn’t take that anymore. Awake! Open your eyes and look on the Internet, the truth is everywhere: the coronavirus was deliberately released, possibly by several governments that discussed at a Bilderberg conference. They use it as an excuse to restrict our civil rights. It worked terribly well, although Covid-19 is actually no more dangerous than the flu. Billionaire Bill Gates is also involved. What you did previously with your Windows software, now you are doing it again: You are building a global monopoly, this time in the pharmaceutical industry. Then he takes over the billion dollar vaccine market and makes even more money. For this, he bought the World Health Organization (WHO) and is putting pressure on governments to force everyone to get vaccinated. You know: to earn even more money and …

Stop! Yes, I know you are a reader ready for the wee hours (and maybe a reader too) and you have been wondering for a few seconds, right now, what harm the Harms are doing to you today. So no more wasting time. To ease myself, I’d like to say that I didn’t tap without thinking about the story. Rather, I would like to try to explain to you what wrong paths are increasingly being moved by our fellow citizens. Like these people in Berlin, whose wonderful activities documented by photojournalist Lutz Jäkel. Maybe what happened to my colleague Carsten Werner has happened to you these days yesterday morning he describes: Even family and friends suddenly send abusive videos through WhatsApp, signal or email, in which a conspiracy, whispers and dark machinations are reported. Quite scary how many people are disturbed by this mental whistle. Why are they doing this? I thought about it for a long time, read many articles, and discovered again and again what I suspected, until I realized the decisive reason. Sequentially:

Demonstration against the Crown measures at Alexanderplatz in Berlin: evidently extremists, but also esotericists, opponents of vaccination and other outraged citizens mingled with the participants. (Source: Lutz Jäkel)Demonstration against the Crown measures at Alexanderplatz in Berlin: evidently extremists, but also esotericists, opponents of vaccination and other outraged citizens mingled with the participants. (Source: Lutz Jäkel)

Protester on the call Protester at the so-called “hygiene demonstration” in Berlin. (Source: Lutz Jäkel)

First I read that professional data changer just as right and left extremists use the crown crisis to launch their propaganda ties. The Amadeu Antonio Foundation has observed that many people are visiting for the first time caught in the hands of human fishermen and be fooled into believing that there are dark secrets about which the government and the media are supposed to be silent. At social networks activists find docile helpers, even if Google’s subsidiary YouTube has at least disabled its radicalization algorithm (of course, only to the extent that it can continue to make money spreading lies).

Second, I learned How cleverly conspiracy theorists like the dubious but successful activist Ken Jebsen proceed: Not everything they spread is wrong. Rather, his recipe for success lies in the fact that selectively combine facts and half truths and weave into a great story of lies that you can barely see their mistakes at first glance (You can still expose them).

Third, I read that conspiracy theorists mostly a clear image of the enemy have (for example the Government or a “Jewish money mafia”) and they always pretend to know the truth behind the supposed machinations of their enemies: there the evil that supposedly leads the masses of the people through the nose, here the small group of those who have seen through evil and face it. These Separation between good and evil. the Awakening experience and belief, hereafter one getting to know elite Being part of the fight for the truth: all this reminded me of the fundamentalism of the accusation that I was allowed to attend at the University of Freiburg many years ago. Because like many crown conspiracy theorists, fundamentalists argue, from evangelicals in the United States to Islamists.

Fourth, it made sense to me in this context. that people with one holistic worldview more likely to develop a conspiracy mindset than people with an analytical thinking style. “If you think analytically, you look at many individual parts and put them together as a Lego construction set. If the individual information no longer fits the basic assumption, the person is willing to change their assumption relatively quickly,” I read the psychologist’s explanation. . Pia Lamberty in the “FAZ”. “If someone has a holistic thinking style, the person looks at the big picture and the individual parts tend to blur. Those who have that access to knowledge need a lot more information that conflicts with their own world view in order to do it.” review. “This explains why people who believe in conspiracies cannot be dissuaded from their convictions by the facts.

Fifth, I was hardly surprised The scientific understanding that people with little education, people in precarious jobs and, in general, men are more susceptible to conspiracy theories than educated, well-off and women. Sure: If you’re worried, you’re looking for reasons for your discomfort, and when in doubt, rhyme with something. And women are the wisest sex anyway, as every smart man knows.

Five reasons (and there’s certainly more), but none of them made as much sense to me as that. sixth and simplest explanation. What has been the same for centuries and, moreover, seems to be in our nature: people have always tried to go through complex extraordinary events. supposedly simple explanations interpret. Especially in unexplained emergency situations that happen suddenly. Throughout the centuries, world history is full of abstruse practices and conspiracy theories. When the plague spread in the Middle Ages, people reacted with fear and looked for valves for their fear. They found them, for example, in superstition, but also in hatred of the Jews. The same phenomenon was repeated after the Great Depression in the early 1930s.

Today we live in an apparently illuminated world. unlike then, knowledge is available in abundance, but this abundance does not increase the confidence and security of many people, on the contrary: it overwhelms them and makes them less secure. They are informed but misinformed, as British writer Aldous Huxley called it. They crave simple explanations and certainties, and if someone whispers that there is a dark power behind this inexplicable virus, they will be there quickly. Viewed in this way, the current conspiracy is also an expression of the fragmentation of our society. Tübingen scientist Michael Butter even sees one in it. democratic crisis “If societies can no longer agree on what is true, they cannot master the pressing problems of the 21st century.” he writes in the conclusion of his book “Nothing is what it seems”, in which he explores the roots of conspiracy theories.

We don’t have to look at the situation so gloomily this morning. It would be enough for me if all the smart readers of the dawn (and, of course, the readers) were still curious, critical and sensitive. Please don’t let an X fool you. The world is not black and white, it never has been. It is colorful, exciting and above all tragic, hopeful, beautiful and terrible at the same time. Even when unforeseen things happen. You already knew it And if not, you already know it.



“Facing the pandemic crown is a marathon with many different seasons,” says CDU chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer. (Source: Robert Recker for

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer it is not suspected to attach conspiracy theories. But given the intense protests against the federal government’s crisis policy, he is concerned about the mood in the country:

“With these new protests, certain currents are becoming more clearly visible than we previously had not noticed so clearly. I’m already concerned that these groups are looking for new platforms, “said CDU President when my colleague Tim Kummert and I met her yesterday for an interview at her headquarters in Konrad-Adenauer-Haus. And also:” Everyone can do it in Germany. Demonstrate Where You Want I have learned in recent days that there are also protest groups that seriously believe that the earth is flat. If you want to join, of course you can. But if the really crude and dangerous conspiracy theories spread there or it all turns into anti-Semitism, so that’s dangerous. “

The Defense Minister continued: “I personally hope that responsible citizens in Germany do not demonstrate with Reich citizens or support radical political forces. However, the right to freedom of demonstration is a valuable asset that must be protected. “

A special message has Kramp-Karrenbauer for the Vice President of the FDP and Vice President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Kubicki, who, in view of many people’s fear of the coronavirus, said on television during primetime: “If someone is afraid, they should stay home.” A block of ice could not be colder than this set. The CDU leader shows more human warmth: “What drives me is that a misunderstanding of liberalism opens the way. What Wolfgang Kubicki says is one brutal elbow brutalism, who ignores the fact that my own freedom has yet to find the limit at which the health of others is affected. “wants to spend and how much public pressure has hit her before her withdrawal announcement, Read here in our interview.

Corona safety distance interview: CDU chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer received the editors of at Konrad-Adenauer-Haus in Berlin. (Source: Robert Recker for safety distance interview: CDU chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer received the editors of at Konrad-Adenauer-Haus in Berlin. (Source: Robert Recker for


The party ended in one fell swoop: Bars close again, restaurants close, school starts are postponed. The reason is the sudden outbreak of Covid-19 at a meat factory in North Rhine-Westfa … not bad, not in North Rhine-Westphalia, but in the metropolis Seoul In the country’s capital of the Corona storefront, where until now everything had been done correctly and people could smile at the harsh exit restrictions in other parts of the world. In South Korea It was believed that in the fight against the virus there was sufficient control and a small distance in business as usual. Then you have the danger under control.

Suddenly the situation is not under control. – and the change so sudden and spectacular that we should look from far away Germany and learn from it. In the center of the earthquake: a young man. Just one. On the first weekend of May, the 29-year-old fell into the turmoil of the capital’s party, moved from one club to another and partied until the wee hours of the morning. What you do when you are young. Certainly, the virus did not leave the Seoul party scene without a trace: yes, a mask is required, a minimum distance of one meter (well), and the name and contact details are noted at the club entrance or bar. Or rather, they were. Because now the party is over.

A Zero patient unfortunately got sick and tested positive for Covid-19 last Thursday. Now hell is going on. Possible contacts in the five clubs on their celebration route: thousands. As of last night, 94 people were already infected. Almost 3,100 people have been evaluated. But there are still 2,500 people missing. It could not be found. Do not respond to government phone calls. Contact trackers are alarmed. All levers are set in motion: which cell phone had been hooked to which cell phone pole in the party district when? What credit card was drawn where to pay? If the people hiding are not found quickly, the city of millions threatens to explode, before which it has always trembled.

But the missing crowd doesn’t answer the phone for a reason: Contact rejectors have Anxiety. The five clubs in the center of the earthquake are hangouts for the gay scene, and you have nothing to laugh about in South Korea. For example, if you are not caught with your boss and colleagues and have to hear that all homosexuals belong to the gas chamber, you don’t want to be exposed. Missing, illegal work in the family, the environment in permanent harassment mode: it can happen if a crown test is carried out after the outbreak in gay bars and, if the result is positive, your age, place of residence and whereabouts the workplace) can be found on the Internet. It is a brutal decision: Those who try it protect their environment. And he runs the risk of destroying his life.

The precarious situation in South Korea should sharpen our eyes for what awaits us. Lesson number one: the virus can only be successfully contained if it is in the population all move on, and no one who does has to fear discrimination or subsequent exposure. In Germany, the Corona tracking application for cell phones pays special attention to data protection. The gay and lesbian dilemma in Seoul shows us that this is not an overly correct quirk, but it is crucial to the success of contact tracking. No one should be forced to choose between the right step to protect the public and the right step to save privacy and privacy. Participation must be easy and valuable. This was also learned in an instant in South Korea – anonymous tests are now being conducted to resolve the issue.

And Seoul’s story tells us one more thing: The path to the return of the virus is short. Very short. An infected person, one afternoon, a crush is enough: the specter of the confinement is just around the corner. So we should be more careful. And don’t believe the fairy tales of the conspirators and trivializers. With this in mind, we are back home.

Authorities disinfect alleyways in Seoul. (Source: Reuters / Yonhap)Authorities disinfect alleyways in Seoul. (Source: Yonhap / Reuters)


Before the US Constitutional Court. USA is negotiated today if the German bank Documents about your financial transactions with Donald trump Must Get Out Democrats in the House of Representatives have sued for insight; In the lower cases, Mr. Trump lost the lawsuit. The German Institute is the largest creditor of the President of the USA. USA And he lends him large sums of money at a time when no other bank wanted to do business with him. Our correspondent Fabian Reinbold explains the delicate commercial relationship.


What to read

The father of the family, Airan Berry, faces imprisonment. (Source: father of the family, Airan Berry, faces imprisonment. (Source:

A man receives a “job offer” he embarks on a “business trip”, and the next time I hear from him again, because media photos from around the world show him as a participant in a coup attempt: this is how Melanie Berry told my colleague Lars Wiena her husband’s story. Our investigator has the wife of the former Special Forces soldier in Schweinfurt Airan Berry tracked a good week ago on a speedboat off the coast Venezuela He was arrested. Here is the whole story.


Relaxation of the crown rules. they are only acceptable if the number of newly infected remains low. My colleagues Arno Wölk, Cem Özer, Laura Stresing and Martin Despite showing you which districts got the curve: and how others became hot spots.


What amuses me?

An ingenious answer still helped.

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a bright day Best regards,


Florian Harms
Email: [email protected]

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