“The situation is really serious”: Mitte and Neukölln risk areas – Will Kreuzberg follow too? – Berlin


Schleswig-Holstein has now been the first federal state to classify the districts of Neukölln and Mitte as official risk areas. Anyone traveling from there to the northern state of Germany must be quarantined for 14 days from now. On Friday, the state of Berlin had 339 new infections, the highest increase since the start of the pandemic.

This can be found in the “Information for domestic and foreign travelers” on the country’s website. According to a federal government memorandum cited by “n-tv”, similar rules apply in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and to this day also in Rhineland-Palatinate.

According to this, the Mitte district is a “national risk zone” together with the Bavarian district of Rhön-Grabfeld and the two independent towns of Hamm and Remscheid. Neukölln is also one of them since Saturday.

Schleswig-Holstein bases this decision on information from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for the so-called seven-day incidence. If there were more than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a district or independent city in a week, the threshold for the risk area has been exceeded.

However, there are some exceptions to the Schleswig-Holstein quarantine regulation: for example, it does not apply to people who have been in a risk area for less than 48 hours. Members of the Bundestag, which is located in Berlin-Mitte, are also excluded from the regulation.

Dassel District Mayor: “The situation is really serious”

Mittes District Mayor Stephan von Dassel (Greens) told Tagesspiegel: “As long as Mitte is listed separately on the RKI list, the Schleswig-Holstein decision is not implausible to me.” The decision is just one of many pieces of advice and they would all be the same. I want to say: “The situation is really serious and: it can’t go on like this,” said von Dassel.

The main risk of infection in Mitte currently comes from the young, but recently the number of Covid-19 infections among “less robust people” has increased markedly. “The main events for us come from the young people, there are bigger private celebrations and parties in the basements, like in the past during Prohibition.” Many lack conscience, von Dassel said. “It is particularly excessive to catch up with what one had to do without in recent months.”

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While the Berlin Senate considers Berlin as a whole for possible countermeasures, the Robert Koch Institute lists all districts individually. By Friday evening, Mitte was no longer the only risk zone in the capital city: in the Senate Health Administration situation report on Friday, the Neukölln and Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg districts already had incidences of 51.6 (Neukölln) and 53.7 (Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg). The Mitte district is registered in this last statistic with 59.5 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in seven days. On Saturday the incidence in Neukölln was 56.5.

The consequences for travelers from Berlin-Mitte and Neukölln who want to visit Schleswig-Holstein can be serious: they have to enter a 14-day quarantine, they are not allowed to receive visitors there, and they must inform the local health department. However, Schleswig-Holstein uses the RKI figures. RKI values ​​are consistently lower than those of the health administration, as there are different ways to calculate incidence.

Rhineland-Palatinate wants to abolish its quarantine regulation at the weekend

“The same rules apply to those who enter from risk areas in Germany as those who come from risk areas from abroad,” he says. “People arriving from risk areas in Germany are only exempt from the test requirement. They also can’t get tested for the corona virus for free, except when the health department orders a test. ”

Vacationers should know: Camps, youth hostels, and all other facilities with community sanitary facilities, the use of which is unavoidable, should not be used for quarantine. “You can envision a quarantine in a vacation apartment or a hotel room, as long as it is consistently adhered to.” However, you cannot enter the breakfast room or restaurant of a hotel.

Anyone who wants to go to the North Sea or the Baltic Sea during the autumn holidays takes the risk. The country has not imposed a “lodging ban,” a spokesman for the Health Ministry said. But in quarantine “you may not enjoy your vacation like that.”

[Das Coronavirus in Berlin: Jeden Morgen ab 6 Uhr berichten Chefredakteur Lorenz Maroldt und sein Team im Tagesspiegel-Newsletter Checkpoint über die aktuellsten Entwicklungen. Kostenlos und kompakt: checkpoint.tagesspiegel.de]

A regulation similar to that of Schleswig-Holstein applies in Berlin itself and in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, so Berlin is considered a whole, and to this day in Rhineland-Palatinate. Also in these countries there is an obligation to quarantine at home even after a stay in a risk area in Germany.

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However, at least in Rhineland-Palatinate an emergency regulation will come into force from October 3, which exempts the areas of the interior of Germany and neighboring neighbors such as Luxembourg, Belgium and France from the quarantine regulations. “We want the people of the border region to be able to continue their normal daily lives,” Prime Minister Malu Dreyer (SPD) told Tagesspiegel.

And new rules have also been applied to Berlin since this weekend. Anyone arriving in Berlin from an area in the interior of Germany with a higher risk of infection no longer has to be quarantined. The Senate abolished the regulation on October 3, said a spokesman for the German press agency’s health administration. The newspapers of the Funke media group had already reported on it.

Senate spokeswoman Melanie Reinsch told Tagesspiegel on Friday: “We have taken note that Schleswig-Holstein has declared the Berlin-Mitte district and other inland regions of Germany to be risk areas. We are watching with concern the nationwide development of the growing number of infections. “

Especially in large cities, the numbers increased throughout Germany, many cities had incidence values ​​similar to or even higher than Berlin, Reinsch said. “The Senate takes this development very seriously. Berlin has taken many steps to contain the pandemic, often more far-reaching than other federal states. “However, it may need to be further sharpened.

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania considers Berlin as a whole; there are currently no restrictions for residents of the capital.

Corona’s FAQ on the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania state website says that all travel to the state has been allowed again since September 4. “There are only exceptions and restrictions in cases where the entry is from a risk area in Germany or abroad.” In general, traveling from risk areas to Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is not recommended, as this is associated with considerable restrictions.

In this case, you are subject to quarantine obligations and must inform the local health department immediately upon arrival. “An early end of the quarantine is generally only possible if there are two negative tests with an interval of at least 5 to 7 days.”

In the management report of the State Health Office in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on areas of Germany with a particularly high number of cases, the district of Berlin-Mitte was also included on Friday (as of 9 am), but with restrictions.

The management report first explains that, according to the ordinance of the state of Corona, travel to the federal state and residence are restricted for certain people: “This applies, among other things, to people who come from an area of the Federal Republic of Germany or have their residence there in which in the The last seven days before entry, the total number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants was more than 50 ”.

Deviations from the entry ban are possible if an exception to the Corona regulation applies. Tourists with a reservation in the state for at least one night can only enter the country if they have a negative corona test.

“However, according to the quarantine ordinance, there is an obligation to isolate yourself immediately and directly for 14 days or to go to other suitable accommodation in quarantine. The responsible health authority can shorten this quarantine if another PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 is negative after 5 to 7 days. “

In a graph of the 7-day incidents, the independent cities of Hamm, Remscheid, the district of Rhön-Grabfeld and the district of Berlin-Mitte are named. However, the latter is marked in gray in the health department publication and you are provided with the comment: “Even if the RKI shows data on individual districts of the city of Berlin, a quarantine should only take place when Berlin as a city ( city-state) has new infections per 100,000 The population exceeds 50. The total value of Berlin as a city is currently below 50. Therefore, there are currently no restrictions for residents of the capital. “
