The situation in Russia is becoming increasingly explosive.


In the world’s largest country in terms of area, the number of infected people is increasing rapidly, despite the curfew. shows in an animation how Russia compares worldwide.

Russia has set a new record in 24 hours with more than 10,000 new coronavirus infections. In Moscow alone, the focal point of Russia’s crown epidemic, authorities reported more than 5,900 new cases on May 3, despite curfews aimed at preventing the pathogen from spreading further. You can see the dramatic development in Russia in our animation above in the video or here.

However, the Kremlin has already announced a gradual relaxation of exit restrictions from May 12. Countries such as Germany, Italy and Spain have also begun to relax measures to contain the coronavirus pandemic.

Above you can see how the relationship between new infections and those that have recovered in different countries of the world develops, what role is Russia playing now, what is the special route of Sweden doing, what is the epicenter of the pandemic, The United States and which country has experienced impressive positive development. in the video or if Click here.
