“The second wave will be more deadly than the first”


FFrance has again ordered a strict blockade. President Emmanuel Macron announced on television Wednesday night that the national curfew, which “stopped” the virus in the spring, must be reintroduced. Because France was “overwhelmed by the sudden acceleration of the pandemic”, as he admitted in his speech. And he warned: “The second wave will be more deadly than the first.”

Christian schubert

Therefore, France is returning to a series of restrictions: it is forbidden to visit friends and leave your own region for private purposes. Restaurants, cafes, bars, theaters and cinemas have to close again throughout France. Airports for flights outside the European Union will also be closed again. If you want to leave home, you need a complete paper ticket or mobile phone. It is allowed to walk and drive to and from work, take children there and pick them up from school and kindergarten, buy food, support dependent people, walk pets and certain outdoor sports.

Schools, kindergartens and cemeteries remain open

Macron and his government have given some relief to the population in relation to the curfew in the spring: schools and kindergartens will remain open, as will public service facilities, including cemeteries. Visits to nursing homes are also allowed. Businesses should allow their employees to work from home as much as possible.

The new rules go into effect Thursday through Friday night. They must last until at least December 1. Macron promised to review the situation in two weeks for the most affected retailer, which now has to close again, to introduce possible relief if the pandemic recedes. The goal is to reduce the number of new infections each day from about 40,000 to about 5,000. Macron also promised more government aid, such as grants of 10,000 euros a month for small businesses. The state will also help with outstanding rent payments.
