The same mistake as last year


Good morning dear readers

the situation at the beginning of February 2021: Germany has been making its way through the Corona mess for almost a year, sometimes better, sometimes worse, it depends on your point of view. Closed since November, for almost two months strictly: many people are seriously affected. Loneliness, impoverishment and despair are spreading, there are many sad stories to hear right now. One wishes for all those affected that they can quickly get out of the bad situation and return to work, among people, to free life. A survey shows how much we long to socialize: 57 percent of those surveyed would like to go to a cafe or restaurant first after the end of the pandemic, 55 percent want to meet friends and family. If that would be nice.

It’s not easy to be in a good mood this winter Corona And if you can, you must show understanding for all who fail. Sometimes a quick phone call, an open ear, a word of encouragement help to bring a colleague, friend or acquaintance out of the gloom. I was thinking of you, I want to hear how you are, I will be happy when we meet again sometime: even a five minute phone call can save someone else’s day, everyone can do that, we just have to pull ourselves together. “The mind can tell us what to abstain from. But the heart can tell us what to do,” said the French moralist. Joseph joubert written. Cunning man.

But we must not only take seriously the second, but also the first sentence of your bon mot, especially now, on those cold February days. Next Wednesday, the chancellor and prime ministers plan to meet again to decide how to deal with the Emergency shutdown continues, and “Probing Opening Prospects”. A project that is as strange as it sounds. There are increasing calls for relaxation from federal states and the opposition, and Ms Merkel has also indicated that it is conceivable that one might think if one could now, in one place or another, here or there, wish one step. per step relaxation of existing measures take into account … and so on, ugh.

Honestly, is that really smart? Isolation is tough. We all want to go back to our normal lives. Children and the elderly in particular, but also the self-employed and many traders, are severely affected by the restrictions. But what is the alternative? Most scientists tell us plainly: infection and death rates are still too high and treacherous Virus mutants South Africa and Great Britain are spreading far too quickly in this country, while vaccines will remain in short supply at least until the end of March.

Let’s start with relaxation now we are making the same mistake we made last year when, after the summer break, we slipped straight into the second wave with joyous nonchalance. More than 60,000 people died of or with the virus in this country, and these are just the recorded cases. Many more suffer serious damage to their health. Is a Commandment of humanity, that there won’t be much more. As difficult as it is for us, what is needed now is discipline and common sense.

I have another appointment for you: “If man were both right and understanding, many things would be easier.” It comes from the American chemist Linus Pauling, And we can believe him, after all, he has received the Nobel Prize twice. Understanding should not be denied to all relaxation prophets who are now haunted by talk shows again. But there seems to be a lack of reason for some. Anyone who is sensible thinks not only of today but also of tomorrow. You see not only the trees, but also the forest. So as not to risk getting lost in the crown scrub.

Why the situation is so dangerous now and what we have to prepare for next week, My colleague Marc Krüger and I talked about this on today’s podcast. It’s also about Germany’s difficult relationship. Russia – and a little long vision Dawn nights. Please listen:

If you want to give us your opinion, you can reach us by E-mail as well as in Spotify, Apple podcasts, Deezer, Google podcasts or through the voice assistants of Amazon Y Google.

What music suits this winter weekend? Maybe the best this album by the great Nina Simone. I like very much. And so that you too have something to smile about, today I’m going to give you a cartoon of our beloved Mario Lars:

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a good weekend. Stay confident even in these tough times. My colleague Florian Wichert writes at daybreak on Monday and I will be back on Tuesday.


Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
E-mail: [email protected]

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