The resolutions of the Crown Summit: Germany returns to the blockade – politics


Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and prime ministers decided on Wednesday to make sharp cuts for citizens and businesses in the coronavirus pandemic. From 1 pm onwards, Merkel and the country’s leaders connected via video conference to discuss how to proceed in light of the significantly increasing number of infections.

On Wednesday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a new high of nearly 15,000. The risk of an infection situation that is no longer manageable increases day by day, since today the number of infections almost doubles every week.

One thing is clear: the blocking measures decided today should be applied from Monday, November 2 until the end of the month. The federal government announced a decision at the beginning of the round: Finance Minister Olaf Scholz wants to provide additional financial support to companies that are losing money due to the new lockdown. For this, between seven and ten billion euros are allocated.

Merkel had previously made it clear that she did not consider the existing measures to be sufficient, that the crown situation could spiral out of control and the clinics’ intensive care units could collapse.

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At a press conference after the video change, Merkel spoke of an “exponential increase” in the number of infections. The deliberations took place “in a very serious situation”. The federal and state governments monitor people’s health, work, and financial situation. “It is perfectly clear that we have to act, and now.” He spoke of a “national effort” that will be necessary again as of November 2, to stop the increase in the number of infections.

A summary of the decisions:


Merkel again made clear in her video podcast on Saturday how important she considers it is that German citizens drastically reduce their social contacts. As reported by various media outlets, the group agreed to this in the afternoon. According to this, only a maximum of ten people from two households should be able to meet outdoors as of Monday. This is binding Regulatory authorities would sanction violations of these contact restrictions.

Experts believe that the number of deaths must be reduced to 4,000 to avoid a dramatic increase in the number of deaths from Covid-19. This would require a reduction of contacts between 50 and 75 percent over a period of several weeks to achieve a significant reversal of the trend in December.


Schools and kindergartens should reliably remain open in November despite the sharp increase in crown numbers, the round decided, according to the dpa. The closures should be only a “last resort,” he said in the motion for a resolution. However, these measures have been applied regionally since the end of the summer holidays.

Nursing homes

In the pandemic, the elderly are considered a group particularly vulnerable to serious illnesses that require hospitalization. In the first wave of spring, many nursing homes and nursing homes were sealed off with strict visitor restrictions to protect residents from corona infections.

The federal and state governments want to provide special protection for the sick, those in need of care, the elderly and the disabled. Available rapid corona tests “should now be used quickly and with priority in this area”, so that safe contacts could be made. According to information from the dpa, the federal and state governments agreed on this. The special protection of hospitals, nursing homes, facilities for the elderly and facilities for the disabled should not lead to complete social isolation. Youth welfare and social welfare institutions and comparable counseling institutions should remain open.


Federal and state governments want to contain the pandemic Catering establishments close from November 2 for the rest of the month. The German Press Agency learned from the consultations. This does not apply to the delivery and collection of food for consumption at home; dining rooms should be allowed to remain open.

This is a very controversial point. Before the round, not all the leaders of the countries were convinced that this was necessary. In addition, according to information from “Bild”, the RKI gave its assessment of the crown risk of gastronomy on Tuesday in a video exchange with the head of the Chancellery Helge Braun (CDU) and the heads of state chancellery of the federal states. Consequently, restaurants are not the drivers of the pandemic.

[„Wir befinden uns nicht im Ausnahmezustand“, sagt der Verfassungsrechtler Oliver Lepsius. Lesen Sie hier ein Gespräch über die Rechtmäßigkeit der deutschen Corona-Politik.]


Due to the crown crisis, the federal and state governments want to heavily ban events offering entertainment and entertainment throughout Germany in November. Theaters, operas and concert halls should close from November 2 until the end of the month. The German Press Agency learned from the consultations. The regulation also affects leisure and amateur sports, so individual sports are excluded. will be. Professional sports should only be allowed in November without spectators. This also applies to the Bundesliga.


Companies in the personal care sector such as cosmetic studios, massage practices or tattoo studios will also have to close in November, as reported by the dpa. Medically necessary treatments, such as physical therapy, should also remain possible. Medically necessary treatments, such as physical therapy, are still possible. Unlike spring, hairdressing salons must also remain open under existing hygiene requirements.


Wholesale and retail trade can remain open in November. According to the dpa, there is an agreement that the stores no more than one client for every ten square meters. The federal government’s draft resolution originally spoke of 25 square meters.


According to the will of the round, tourist accommodation offers in Germany will be banned in November. These should only be done for necessary purposes, such as compulsory business trips, decided in accordance with information from the German Press Agency.

The federal and state governments have apparently been in agreement so far: Unlike spring, the borders should remain as open as possible, even if the hugely high number in the neighboring Czech Republic is causing great nervousness in Bavaria.


According to a “Bild” report, Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz provides billions in compensation for lost sales from companies affected by the restrictions. In deliberations by the federal and state governments, Scholz suggested replacing smaller companies with up to 75 percent of their sales compared to the same month last year. Larger companies should receive up to 70 percent. There should be no special obligation to provide evidence.
