The president of the United States is planning his return to the crown


Despite his Covid illness, Donald Trump got the doctor’s permission to campaign again this week. The president now wants to appear in the important states of Florida and Pennsylvania.

US President Donald Trump wants to start over after his alleged cure from Covid 19 disease – he has already planned the first major appearances for this weekend. His personal physician stated that the treatment will be completed on Thursday night. Starting Saturday, the president of the United States will be able to attend public appointments again.

Trump plans to hold a campaign event in Florida on the same day. Details were not known until Friday morning after US East Coast Time, but Trump was determined in an interview Thursday. “I think I’ll try to hold a rally on Saturday when we have enough time to prepare,” he told Fox News.

The next event is planned for the next day, this time in Pennsylvania. In the middle of the week, a New York Times reporter reported that Trump would hold a rally in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s second-largest city, early next week. The responsible district government indicated that it had not yet received an application or any other information.

Battle for the “battlefield states”

The two states of Florida and Pennsylvania will be in the spotlight on Election Day, head-to-head races are expected. Recent polls saw Trump’s Democratic challenger Joe Biden ahead. The president has to catch up. That’s probably why he’s now returning to the campaign stage so quickly.

His spokeswoman Kayleigh McEnany stressed on Friday that the US president was ready to go as soon as he received the go-ahead from his doctors. “He wants to talk to the American people, he wants to get out.” Saturday is logistically difficult, McEnany said. The decision now rests with your campaign.

Outrage over Trump’s conduct

The announcement by the President of the United States that he would publicly enter the election campaign soon after his hospital stay provoked outrageous reactions at times. Many view Trump’s behavior as irresponsible and see him as a potential threat to his close employees, but also potential visitors to planned events.

Because it is not clear what the current state of health of the president really is and if it is possible that he is still contagious. Trump has not appeared in front of the cameras since he returned to the White House on Monday. His staff is refusing to say when Trump last had a negative corona test. It is always emphasized that the president no longer has any symptoms of illness.

However, he had to pause and cough twice in the middle of a sentence in a 20-minute telephone interview with Fox News television station on Thursday night (local time) due to problems with his voice. He should be tested again on Friday, Trump said. Previously, he had ignored a question from host Sean Hannity twice.

Personal Physician: “Expect the President to return safe and sound at this time”

Trump’s personal physician, Sean Conley, gave only vague information on why the president was allowed to go public again. Next Saturday will be the 10th day after Trump tested positive for coronavirus on Thursday of last week, Conley wrote in a health update. “I hope the president returns safely to public meetings at this time.” Conley also referred to “the curve in advanced diagnosis.”

In general, ten days is considered to be the time after which corona patients are no longer contagious. However, experts note that this applies mostly to mild cases and that the period can vary in individual cases and depending on the treatment. “I don’t think it’s contagious,” Trump said in another phone interview with Fox.

Democrats see a loss of reality in Trump

Democrats are now questioning Trump’s authority. Democratic-controlled leader Nancy Pelosi said the president was suffering “a loss of reality that would be funny if it weren’t so fatal.” Pelosi was referring to the more than 210,000 corona deaths in the United States.

“The president is, let’s say, in an altered state right now,” Pelosi told Bloomberg. “I don’t know what to do with his behavior.” The opposition leader noted that Trump was treated with anti-inflammatory steroids, among other things. Such treatment could “impair judgment,” Pelosi said.

The second television duel probably failed

Meanwhile, the second television duel scheduled for next week between Trump and his challenger Joe Biden is nearing completion: Trump canceled his participation in the debate on Thursday after organizers wanted to switch to a virtual format due to the infection of president’s crown. His campaign team later asked that the debate be postponed until the date of the third scheduled debate, on October 22. The third debate should be postponed again for a week until October 29.

On Thursday night, Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien, who is currently self-quarantined at home due to a corona infection, took the next step. After positive results from Trump’s personal physician Sean Conley, the duel could now take place next Thursday as originally planned. Meanwhile, however, Joe Biden had other plans: He wants to answer citizens’ questions only on the night of October 15, Biden’s campaign manager Kate Bedingfield said. The ABC station wants to broadcast the town hall meeting.
