“The precursors of the third wave”


Good morning dear readers

I hope you enjoyed the weekend. If you want to subscribe at sunrise, you can use this link. Then you will receive the newsletter every morning at 6am for free by email. And here is the annotated daily summary:


Appearance and reality don’t go together these days. The sun brings us the beginning of spring, a pleasant sigh of relief after weeks of cold, snow and ice. Up to 20 degrees in mid-February – the heart opens, the mind rejoices, at best slightly irritated by the strange weather conditions. Sun loungers on the terrace or balcony, walking in the park or the forest – the appearance is beautiful.

The weekend was so beautiful in many places like Hamburg.  (Source: dpa / Daniel Bockwoldt)The weekend was so beautiful in many places like Hamburg. (Source: Daniel Bockwoldt / dpa)

Stay up-to-date with us when we turn on the radio, television or the Internet: Then we hear the crown numbers suddenly rise again, from the virologists’ warnings and the suspicion that the wretched mutants are on the brink, plunge into the third wave of the pandemic. With newer variants of the virus, it becomes infected much more quickly; a brief contact with an infected person is usually sufficient. In several regions of the EU, strict exit bans have been established and police officers are banned. red zones since. In Italy, Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Portugal and the Czech Republic, we see what can also be expected in two to three weeks. The time has come in Flensburg.

Be careful despite the sun: So we could probably make it through the middle of spring unharmed until enough people have their vaccination protection. Unlike January and February, the cans will likely be available in large quantities starting in March, so much so that the meticulous vaccination ordinance of the Ministry of Health with “vaccination groups”, “vaccinators” and “vaccination centers” it may not even keep up. . Sooner or later it could be: And now everyone! So everyone who wants the injection can easily get their swords from the family doctor. No German perfectionism.

But what is it until then? Are we still disciplined, prudent, responsible for so long? It does not seem. For days, critics of the blockade have been calling for an end to the restrictions, wanting to open this tomorrow and the day after. Today, Monday, most federal states will begin their Reopen schools – not on the basis of a uniform concept, but as desired (the rules of your federal state you can find out here). You talk a lot about it “Precautions” – Mask requirement, alternate operation, quick tests, but on closer inspection all statements from politicians and lobbyists turn out to be spells rather than plans. Mask requirement? In Berlin, students can wear simple cloth masks instead of medical masks. Alternate operation? School classes have been well packed in many places for weeks, an exception for “emergency care” is given to those who can no longer stand the scoundrels at home. Quick tests? Mr. Spahn announced grandly, but it is not yet clear who should use it, how and where. Meanwhile, the mutants are getting closer and closer. In Rhineland-Palatinate, several municipalities have tilted school opening at the last second due to the rapid increase in the number of infections. reports my colleague Lars Wienand.

Once again the principle of hope rules: It will be okay somehow. Like last fall. As an optimist, it’s okay. Scared like a pessimist. As a realist, at least risky. And what do the experts find? School openings nationwide without vaccines and a clear concept “a disaster on the whole line”, says pediatric intensive care specialist Florian Hoffmann in an interview with my colleague Sonja Eichert. Of course, vacancies are important for education and childcare. “From an infectious point of view, however, I have a stomach ache because we don’t know how the infection process will change as a result. Also because the distribution of the variants, especially variant B.1.1.7. From Great Britain, not yet it’s clear in Germany. ” More and more commentators are warning of the third wave. “The mutant changes everything”, write the “FAZ”. “One nightmare replaces another.”

Do we risk the successes of the second block by loosening it too soon instead of having a few more weeks of patience? Anyone who listens to doctors like Mr. Hoffmann is bound to take this impression. Business representatives and electoral activists such as Armin Laschet (CDU), Malu Dreyer (SPD) and Susanne Eisenmann (CDU) call on their calls to relax at every microphone. If you had a compelling concept for vacancies without endangering citizens with rising infections, that might be a compelling way. Unfortunately, his plan is more of an appearance than reality.



Colonia Cardinal Woelki is accused of covering up for the abusers.  (Source: dpa / Marcel Kusch)Colonia Cardinal Woelki is accused of covering up for the abusers. (Source: Marcel Kusch / dpa)

The crisis of the Catholic Church acquires dimensions that threaten its very existence. Abuse, cover-up, paternalism, vanity, greed, arrogance – self-righteous dignitaries are guilty of so many sins that you don’t even know where to start. In Cologne, believers leave the church en masse because they don’t understand the autocratic cover-up tricks of the Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki have lost in the scandal of abuse – and nobody pulls the cord. An institution whose bosses systematically violate their own values ​​in this way loses its credibility. This is now gradually being realized by the bishops who will be gathering for their digital spring plenary meeting starting tomorrow, and some people are scared – once the first bishop has resigned, that could “cause a landslide “, can be heard. A landslide would probably be the best thing that could happen to Catholics. A fresh start with an unhampered administrative staff and sweeping reforms is likely the only way to save this store.


Massive demonstrations against the military coup continue in Myanmar. Now there are also protests in Germany: a demonstration is planned in front of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Frankfurt in the afternoon. Beijing supports the generals.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson plans to present a plan today to break out of the blockade: Exit and contact restrictions must be lifted “carefully but irreversibly”. Wouldn’t it be too full of mouth again?


An auction house in Perth, Scotland, is auctioning nearly 2,000 bottles of a rare whiskey collection. Among them is “The Macallan 1926 Fine and Rare”, the most expensive whiskey in the world to date at one and a half million pounds. Presumably today he will break his world record again. But it will probably never be enjoyed. Too.

The most expensive whiskey in the world could get even more expensive today.  (Source: dpa / Peter Dibdin / Whiskey Auctioneer / dpa)The most expensive whiskey in the world could get even more expensive today. (Source: Peter Dibdin / Whiskey Auctioneer / dpa / dpa)



Jewish life on German soil has been documented for 1,700 years. At the inauguration of the anniversary year at the Cologne synagogue, Federal President Steinmeier made clear demands on society as a whole. The comrades of “Deutsche Welle” summarize them.


Physics Professor Roland Wiesendanger It is news with the thesis that the coronavirus reached the world as a result of a laboratory accident in Wuhan. To be taken seriously or nonsense? Our researcher Lars Wienand examined the question.


More than 31 million people around the world already have full protection against Covid-19. It sounds like a lot, but it’s not even half a percent of the world’s population. My colleagues Sandra Sperling and Axel Krüger will show you when Corona could be defeated.


Smallpox, cholera, tuberculosis: The list of plagues of humanity is long. In an interview with my colleague Marc von Lüpke, physician and historian Ronald D. Gerste explains: how the scourges could be defeated and what that means for the crown crisis.


What amuses me?

We got into a difficult position …

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

Anyway, stay in a good mood. I wish you a sunny start to the week.



Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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