“The policy is too based on the vaccination strategy”


Rapid tests should now be quick and free, promised Chancellor Helge Braun, who had a good time with Anne Will. And Smudo from Fantastischen Vier did not want to criticize the Corona warning app much, although it did introduce its own contact tracking app.

That used to be a good show title: “The Great Perplexity: Is there a way out of the permanent lockdown?” Anne Will’s talk show was called on Sunday night. For a year, an average triple-digit number of talk shows have been talking about Corona issues, and if this has reduced helplessness, this could be debated. And Anne Will’s first question was also difficult. Given that on March 1, in addition to hairdressers, as decided in the previous federal-state summit, depending on the federal state, garden centers, flower shops and bridal shops also open, the moderator asked: “Has the so-called closure already ended? “It almost seemed like he had gotten used to the continuous lockdown (and indeed, talk shows are among the winners of the pandemic). The question was directed to the head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun.

The guests:

  • Helge Braun (CDU, Head of the Federal Chancellery)
  • Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger (FDP, former Federal Minister of Justice)
  • Christiane Woopen (President of the European Ethics Council)
  • Smudo (musician / Die Fantastischen Vier, co-developer of the infection chain tracker app “Luca”)
  • Ranga Yogeshwar (ARD science journalist)

Unfortunately, Braun, who can be considered one of Angela Merkel’s closest confidants, had no real opponent in the group. He had an easy game and gave insight into the upcoming federal-state summit on Wednesday: there will be a discussion about the rapid tests promised by Health Minister Spahn, whether they should be used without suspicion to get a better picture of the actual spread of the virus, or rather related to events. In any case, the tests should be free to citizens, Braun confirmed.

The only other policy, FDP veteran Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, said that phrases like “Chaining one meeting of the prime minister with the chancellor to the next is no longer enough”, to which no one everywhere should object.

This is “a vicious cycle we are in,” confirmed Cologne medical ethics professor Christiane Woopen. The ethics council will propose a change in strategy at the federal-state conference on Monday. Somewhat out of breath, Woopen outlined a host of proposals to “go from reactive to proactive.” Openings must be linked to the existence of protective concepts rather than numerical values. In addition to a vaccination strategy, there is a need for a rapid self-test strategy, which also shows how these tests work on television and on YouTube. There should also be a single application to register for restaurants and concerts instead of 50 different applications.

Smudo presents its own application for contact tracking

That was where Smudo really came into play, having already snapped his fingers impatiently as he listened. The rapper introduced the “Luca” app, which was co-developed by Fantastischen Vier and digitized “the check in and check out process” in restaurants and buses or in individual blocks of a soccer stadium. This helps to track who has infected people, that is, to recognize particularly infectious “super-spreaders”.

If the introduction of standardized Sormas software for health authorities finally “accelerates,” “such applications” could also be connected, Chancellor Braun said cautiously. Thanks to the support of Bundesdruckerei, the Luca app also works without Sormas, Smudo said. And science journalist Ranga Yogeshwar criticized the expensive tax-funded corona warning app so harshly that Smudo defended it (“That’s too much for me”). Braun responded to the criticism saying that data anonymity was a basic idea of ​​the warning app and asked “Why does the state have to offer everything?” Which, of course, is a somewhat strange question at a time when the state is intervening more deeply than ever in people’s lives.

Bottom line: This discussion thread on the important topic of apps, contact tracing, and data protection suffered from a lack of true experts in the study. A focused panel discussion would be a good idea. But the ARD doesn’t seem to trust its not-too-internet-savvy audience to do such a thing. And the question of rapid tests was still on Will’s agenda.

Woopen: “Policy is too based on vaccination strategy”

Above all, Woopen set the tone: In a testing strategy, production capacities for rapid tests and other test models should be invested, just as much as in the vaccine, he vigorously emphasized: “That’s where the money belongs,” because finding the infectious as soon as possible saves follow-up costs. But Woopen has the “impression that politics is too based on vaccination strategy.”

That could take revenge if new mutations spread. Even if vaccines can quickly adapt to these, they still need to be vaccinated again. “Corona, sadly, will be a never-ending story,” agreed Yogeshwar.

Talk shows will know how to handle it. With the information that the experts asked Angela Merkel to get vaccinated live on television and Anne Will’s invitation to do so on her show, the show ended. Conclusion: The helplessness in dealing with Corona could not be reduced with this talk show with his group of guests that was not ideally organized. Frank Plasberg will try his luck in tonight’s challenge. His title “A lot of pressure in the boiler: How long can a confinement last?” the ARD repeatedly faded into the image.
