The permanent vaccination commission wants to change the recommendation for the Astra-Zeneca vaccine


The Astra-Zeneca vaccine will soon be inoculated to older people in Germany.
Image: EPA

The starting age limit for the vaccine only for younger people has led to reservations in Germany about the vaccine. “It all went a little wrong,” Stiko’s boss Thomas Mertens said now.

DThe Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) wants to quickly change its recommendation on the vaccine from the British-Swedish manufacturer Astra-Zeneca. There will be “a new updated recommendation very soon,” Stiko boss Thomas Mertens said Friday night in the ZDF “heute journal”. So far, Stiko has only recommended the use of the Astra Zeneca vaccine for people under 65 years of age. This had caused problems of acceptance of the drug in Germany.

“Somehow everything went wrong,” Mertens said. However, at the time of recommendation there were insufficient data on the efficacy of the vaccine in the elderly. “We never criticize the vaccine. We only criticize the fact that the data situation for the age group over 65 is not good or insufficient ”, emphasized the head of Stiko. Otherwise, the vaccine is “very good” and “is now even better at evaluation thanks to the addition of new data.”

Possibly longer distances between cans

Mertens did not rule out extending the intervals between the two necessary corona vaccines: “I think it is possible, especially with the Astra-Zeneca vaccine, that you can still opt for slightly longer intervals.”

After a slow start, the vaccination rate in Germany is currently accelerating. However, there is persistent skepticism among some citizens, especially against the Astra-Zeneca corona vaccine, but also against vaccines in general.
