“The numbers are literally rising”: Federal and state governments are considering a strict lockdown


“The numbers are literally going up”
The federal and state governments are considering a strict lockdown

Health Minister Spahn says social life may have to be drastically shut down. Baden-Württemberg and other countries will talk about whether there will be a strict lockdown from Monday. Prime Minister Kretschmann shows misunderstanding of the Saar plans.

Baden-Württemberg Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann promised more talks between the federal and state governments about a tough shutdown earlier in the week. “First of all, we think about those things,” Kretschmann said. “We also have to discuss this with other countries beforehand, with the Federal Chancellery. We see, the numbers are literally increasing.” During the talks on Monday and Tuesday it is necessary to “reach an agreement clearly.” The Green did not say whether the next prime ministers conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), which is actually only scheduled for April 12, should be brought forward.

Regarding Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) proposal to shut down social life properly for 10-14 days due to the rapidly increasing number of infections, Kretschmann said: “From a pandemic perspective, that would be the best.” However, one must carefully weigh whether it makes sense and is feasible to shut everything down. More recently, Kretschmann had stated that the British mutant is spreading “so fast that the number of infections in our country is doubling every ten days”. Politicians have to react to this, otherwise the intensive care units will overflow in April.

Kretschmann does not want to allow further delays with the Corona emergency brake in hotspot regions. “That is strictly enforced. There is no more wasting time,” said Green’s head of government. There is reportedly growing outrage in the Baden-Württemberg state government over urban and rural districts that initially fail to apply the emergency brake systematically, although they have exceeded the limit of 100 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants in a week for more than 3 days.

“Instrument with exit restrictions”

The executive director of the district assembly, Alexis von Komorowski, said: “The state government has in its hands to eliminate the uncertainties in the implementation of the emergency brake through better regulations in the Crown Ordinance.” Kretschmann stressed that the emergency brake was “a sharp instrument, especially with us because we do it with exit restrictions.” However, the state government had already announced on Friday that there would be an exception to contact restrictions during Easter.

Kretschmann criticized the large-scale easing across the Saarland after Easter: “I don’t really see what my colleague Tobias Hans is doing,” he said. The decision of the federal and state governments establishes that some regions could be declared model areas with openings and a test concept. “But I mean, the whole Saarland didn’t mean that. Even if it’s small.”

Saarland wants to greatly loosen the crown’s measures on a post-Easter model project: starting April 6, the Tuesday after Easter, open-air cinemas, theaters, gyms and restaurants will reopen. Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) said the prerequisite was a negative rapid test, which should not be older than 24 hours. After Schleswig-Holstein, Saarland recently had the lowest incidence in seven days of all federal states.
