The number of corona cases increases rapidly in Madrid


reThe conservative Popular Party (PP) wanted to do everything better in Madrid. In parliament this week, he called for a committee to investigate the “miserable crisis management” of the left coalition during the pandemic. But now the Madrid regional government is suddenly meekly asking the president of the socialist government, Pedro Sánchez for help. The head of government did not hesitate and promised to attend a crisis meeting at the headquarters of the Madrid regional president Isabel Díaz Ayuso (PP) in Puerta del Sol as soon as possible.

Hans-Christian Roessler

In fact, the PP wanted from its Madrid stronghold, where the conservatives also provide the mayor, to shoot the coalition of socialists and the alternative left-wing party Podemos, politically prepared for the attack. Sometimes, the president of the PP, Pablo Casado, seemed to wait for the pandemic to end the government.

Selective curfews

Now the regional government threatens to fail a second time to control Corona: no European city hits the second wave of the pandemic as hard as Madrid. The Spanish capital has a third of all new infections in Spain, the European country with the most new infections. More recently, more than 11,000 new infections in one day and 162 corona deaths were reported. In Madrid, the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days is 659, in Germany 23. Unlike other regions, the Community of Madrid has so far reacted hesitantly to the number of new infections, which has been increasing for weeks.

In June, the Madrid region, with a population of just under seven million, was unable to go fast enough to relax and lift the state of national alarm, which the divided parliament ultimately refused to extend. Since then, the 17 autonomous communities have been in charge of fighting the pandemic. But suddenly there is talk of exit restrictions in Madrid, which in no way are intended to recall the closing of months in the spring.
