The next storm is approaching Lower Saxony | – news


Status: 13.03.2021 8:20 am

Even on weekends, the people of Lower Saxony must be prepared for the rainy and windy weather. According to meteorologists, it shouldn’t be as violent as the storm “Klaus”.

In addition to rain and some storms, the low “Luis” will cause strong gusts of wind from this morning, said this Friday a meteorologist from the German Meteorological Service (DWD). In some places, for example on the coast, strong gusts of wind with speeds of around 95 kilometers per hour are again possible. On Sunday night “Luis” is supposed to calm down and walk away.

A slight storm surge is expected on the coast

The State Agency for Water Management, Coastal Protection and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) assumes the risk of a mild storm surge on the North Sea coast of Lower Saxony. Therefore, nighttime flooding can accumulate up to one meter above normal. Beaches and hills could flood, he said.

Hannover closes the city park

Due to the expected weather conditions, the city of Hannover has closed the city park, the Eilenriede forest station and the zoo for the entire weekend. In general, the city warns against entering forests and parks during a storm.

Train connections interrupted

On Thursday, storm “Klaus” with winds of up to 110 kilometers per hour passed over northern Germany. As a result, there were disabilities in rail traffic. Several routes were affected Thursday night, two of which were blocked, as announced by the railroad. There were train cancellations and delays. Nothing happened on the route between Oldenburg and Leer due to a catenary failure. The route had to be temporarily closed. However, on Friday morning, rail traffic returned to normal, as a rail spokeswoman said.


A man uses a chainsaw to cut down a tree that has fallen into the street.  © NonstopNews

1 minute

There are many storms in the North Sea islands and inland. The German Weather Service advises staying home. 1 minute

Trees uprooted, trucks overturned

“Klaus” also took over numerous rescue operations. He was left with property damage, there was no information on injuries. In Wallenhorst, in the Osnabrück district, a tree fell on an unoccupied bus. According to police, the driver was taking a break at the time of the accident and was unharmed. In Pattensen, in the Hannover region, a truck was hit by a gust of wind. The vehicle rolled over in a field and landed on its side. Here too the driver was unhurt.

More information

A fallen tree lies uprooted by the roadside at Kiel's Blücherplatz.  Photo: Frank Molter

There is a threat of gale force gusts of up to 115 km / h. Stormy winds and lots of rain can also be expected in the rest of the north. (03/10/2021) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 03/13/2021 | 8:00 am

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