The new mayor of Stuttgart is Frank Nopper (CDU) – SWR Aktuell


Frank Nopper (CDU) won the mayoral elections in Stuttgart: he was elected the new mayor of the state capital with 42.3 percent of the votes cast, but there is still a winner.

After his electoral victory in Stuttgart, the future mayor of the CDU of the state capital, Frank Nopper, announced a departure to the metropolis of Baden-Württemberg. In his winning speech on Sunday night at Stuttgart City Hall, he spoke of a “tee time for a Stuttgart that is no longer up to its chances.” Stuttgart must “shine more, in the region, in Germany and in Europe”.

Frank Nopper (CDU), future mayor of Stuttgart (second from left) with his family on election night on his way to a speech at the town hall.  (Photo: dpa Bildfunk, Picture Alliance / Sebastian Gollnow / dpa)

Frank Nopper (CDU), future mayor of Stuttgart (second from left), with his family on election night on the way to a speech at the town hall

dpa Bildfunk

image alliance / Sebastian Gollnow / dpa

The new mayor of Stuttgart, Frank Nopper (CDU), wants to involve everyone

At the Stuttgart City Council, he wanted to rule through parties and factions, Nopper said in his speech. Nopper also explicitly addressed those who did not support him. He wanted to try to gain the trust of all those for whom he was not the first choice. Nopper’s goal: “A feeling that we are Stuttgart.”

The outgoing mayor of Stuttgart, Fritz Kuhn, who had not run again after eight years, congratulated his successor on his electoral victory. Kuhn wished CDU politician Nopper the greatest success at the town hall reception and that he could implement what he had set out to do. To deliver official business, Kuhn offered his successor as many meetings and appointments as he wanted.

“You are having a perfect transition.”

Stuttgart Mayor Fritz Kuhn (Greens) on his successor Frank Nopper (CDU)

Nopper, 59, is currently the mayor of Backnang (Rems-Murr-Kreis). Nopper had 42.3 percent in the current OB elections in Stuttgart Of the votes cast, her fiercest competitor, independent candidate Marian Schreier, reached 36.9 percent after the votes were counted. The candidate of the Stuttgart Left Alliance, Hannes Rockenbauch (SÖS), obtained 17.8 percent of the vote.

Election in Stuttgart: Nopper elected mayor of Stuttgart The new mayor of Stuttgart is Frank Nopper (CDU). But what does this electoral result mean and what will happen politically in the state capital? Posted by SWR Aktuell on Sunday, November 29, 2020

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Marian Schreier (non-participant) manages almost 37 percent from the start

In addition to Frank Nopper, Marian Schreier is considered the great winner of the OB elections in Stuttgart: Schreier is mayor of the small town of Tengen (Konstanz district) and had run in Stuttgart against the resistance of his own party, the SPD . Due to the dispute, his membership in the SPD is suspended and Schreier ran as a non-party candidate. The current SPD candidate, Martin Körner, had withdrawn after the first vote three weeks ago. The green candidate, Veronika Kienzle, had also retired. The fact that Schreier won 36.9 percent of the vote in the state capital of Baden-Württemberg as of now is a success.

The turnout was around 45 percent

A total of around 450,000 eligible voters were able to vote in the OB elections in Stuttgart. Turnout was around 45 percent, about four percentage points less than in the first vote and also less than in the second ballot eight years ago. The current mayor Fritz Kuhn (Greens) was no longer at the top of the city hall after eight years. From the beginning, Mayor Frank Nopper in Backnang was one of the big favorites for his successor: this favorite role was reinforced when the field of the eco-social party formed by the Greens, the SPD and the left failed: they could not trust a candidate common. and thus Rockenbauch returned to compete in addition to Schreier.
