The negative consequences of crown measures for health


Crown measures decided by the federal government and federal states succeed in crushing the curve for new crown infections, but the restrictions harbor other health risks, with long-term consequences in some cases.

19 percent have already gained weight

38 percent of adults in Germany move less because of this, 19 percent have already gained weight as a result of their changed habits. This was the result of a survey by the YouGov voting institute. Consequently, only 12 percent of respondents are on the move more than before, 8 percent have lost weight due to crown measures.

Also interesting: Typical symptoms of a crown infection.

The psyche suffers from lack of exercise

Experts strongly warn of the possible consequences of weight gain and lack of exercise due to mobility restrictions. “Lack of exercise not only promotes the development of overweight, but also reduces fitness, coordination and mobility,” said Heidrun Thaiss, head of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA).

“Also, the psyche also suffers from lack of exercise.” If the limit of a body mass index of 25 is exceeded, the risk of diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular or joint diseases increases with an increase in body fat. “The older a person is, the harder it will be to lose weight in the medium term.”

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There are also positive consequences of the crown measures.

But there are also positive health consequences of crown measures: in many families there is now more time for healthy meals. And some people are rediscovering their own kitchen in front of closed restaurants: bread is baking themselves, Internet recipes are booming. In the survey, only 13 percent of adults said they were eating less healthy. In return, 12 percent said they eat healthier in the wake of the crown crisis.

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Candy sales have increased since Lockdown

He eats and nibbles more than usual, for example, because the way to the refrigerator in the home office is not far, it hardly matters, at least according to YouGov respondents. Only 15 percent said their food volume had increased, 11 percent even expected to eat less overall as a result of the crown blockage.

However, there may be a slight error of judgment: According to the International Confectionery Association, confectionery sales increased during the crown crisis, and a double-digit increase was recorded in March.

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The length of conversations with friends and family is decreasing.

The length of conversations with friends or family, which often took place at visits and other meetings before the measures began, has decreased significantly for many people. Nearly a third of respondents (31 percent) stated that they now spend less time, such as on the phone or with video calls, in those conversations. However, almost a quarter (23 percent) think they can now talk to friends and family longer.

The use of electronic devices has changed dramatically. 39 percent of respondents stated that they spent more free time with TV, PC, laptop, game console, smartphone, and the like. Only 4 percent sit less in front of the screen in the Corona course.
