The masked singer’s live ticker: Pro7 drops a bomb – “Now we can say it …”


The Masked Singer: Pro7 drops bomb – “Now we can say it …”

Masked singer: these are the season 2 costumes

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The semifinals are yet to come. It’s hard to believe, but unfortunately it’s already so far. “The masked singer“He is heading straight for the house. Just one more show, then ‘Der Wuschel’, ‘Der Hase’, ‘Das Chameleon’, ‘Der Drache’ or ‘Das Faultier’ at the end of “The masked singer“Stop in 2020.

So tonight it is decided who can sing for the crown. Of course we shouldn’t be missing there. In the live ticker you can find everything about the great semifinal of “The masked singer

“The Masked Singer” in the live ticker:

9.05 p.m .: And now the three-way battle between ‘Der Wuschel’, ‘Der Hase’ and ‘Das Faultier’.

9.01 p.m .: ‘The Dragon’ is directly next. It deserves!

9 p.m.: Now it is decided who will go directly to the final.

8.45 p.m .: The dragon is by far the best singer of the season. Beautiful by Christina Aguilera. Very big

Ruth Moschner firmly believes in Gregor Meyle. Incidentally, Rea Garvey had mentioned that first. Moschner can also imagine Henning Baum. Does the dragon come from Essen?

8.40 p.m .: And now the dragon.

All information about the kite can be found here:

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Dragon’? +++

8:35 pm: Conchita Wurst is safe. The chameleon is Michael Kessler. Ruth Moschner, however, believes in Ingo Appelt. So we stayed with the comedians.

8.30 p.m.: ‘The Chameleon’ sings ‘D i S C O’ from Ottawan from the 80s.

You can read who the chameleon is here:

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Chameleon’? +++

8:22 pm: Today the duels are chameleon against dragon and whisper against rabbit against lazy. The two winners are in a straight line. The rest fight for the last two final tickets.

8.20 p.m .: “The Masked Singer” presenter Matthias Opdenhövel enters the studio to the sound of Britney Spears.

It can only get big.

8.10 p.m .: The semifinal finally begins in five minutes. This time on the jury: Conchita Wurst. Of course, in a shiny skin-tight dress.

7.30 p.m.: You can choose between ‘The Sloth’, ‘The Chameleon’, ‘The Rabbit’, ‘The Dragon’ and ‘The Wuschel’.

7:05 p.m.: Who needs to take off the mask tonight?

6.30 p.m .: A sense of humor has not been lost on ProSieben, even in times of the corona virus. So “The masked singer“Yes, I had to stay off the team for almost three weeks due to coronavirus illness before we finally continued last week.

But was the virus really the reason? The channel now writes on Instagram: “Okay, now we can say it: # MaskedSinger’s break was only because Hasi was busy over Easter.”

Of course, everything is fun. The real Easter bunny carries his eggs in a basket and not in a pink bag.

5 pm .: Tension slowly increases shortly before the semifinals.

6.00 a.m.:The masked singer“2020 will go to the semifinals and ProSieben will bring a true superstar to the show. Only two shows left, then “The masked singer“The 2020 story again. But so shortly before the end, ProSieben wants to let it crash again.

“The Masked Singer” 2020: YOU are the new on the TMS jury

As the station has announced now, it will be a superstar and ESC winner Chorizo ​​Conchita Support the advisory team on Tuesday. Chorizo ​​Conchita will take the place alongside Ruth Moschner and singer Rea Garvey.


+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Sloth’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Chameleon’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Dragon’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘Die Fledermaus’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Goddess’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Hare’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer: Who is ‘The Wuschel’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Robot’? +++

+++ The Masked Singer 2020: Who is ‘The Cockroach’? +++


ProSieben is taking away the hope that the Austrian superstar could be under the mask of “rabbit”, “Wuschel”, “chameleon”, “dragon” or “lazy”.

“The Masked Singer”: Conchita Wurst wants to keep up with Ruth Moschner

In any case, Conchita Wurst is waiting for her first assignment with “The Masked Singer”: “The Masked Singer ‘is so exciting and entertaining because it’s about the voices, but at the same time you can’t stop looking at the fantastic costumes. I have many looking forward to being part of the semi-finals as a board guest. Let’s see if I can keep up with Ruth ‘Miss Marple’ Moschner! “

The 31-year-old parody artist, who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 with the song “Rise like a Phoenix”, has to fight. After all, there’s probably no juror who has prepared for The Masked Singer in as much detail as Ruth Moschner.
