“The Masked Singer”: Dieter “Didi” Hallervorden was the chameleon! – TV


For this star, the fun doesn’t end there …

The sixth celebrity was unmasked on Tuesday night in “The Masked Singer.” And that was really a great television moment. Because under the disguise of the cute chameleon was an 84-year-old artist who is a true legend among German comedians.

Right at the beginning, the reptile ensured a great state of mind. His song: The Tanzboden-Kracher D.I.S.C.O. from the late 80s ESC winner Chonchita Wurst (31), this time a guest from the advisory team, joked: “Thank you for this great performance. The text was really challenging. ” But his advice was completely wrong. The singer tended comedian Michael Kessler (52).

 The chameleon in his good mood for the 80s hit DISCO Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/das-chamaeleon-bei-seinem-gute-laune-auftret-zum-80er-hit-disco–201413897-70195454/Bild/1 .bild.jpg “/>

The chameleon in his good humor look for the 80s hit D.I.S.C.O.Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber

Ruth Moschner (44) and Rea Garvey were also on the wrong track. Names like comedian Ralf Schmitz (45) and his colleague Ingo Appelt (53) fell. Viewers are completely different. Because they had an idea:

Because the chameleon had to surrender to the dragon in a duel, it was allowed to run again later. His opponents this time: Wuschel and Hase. And here it rocked the show again. Rea Garvey completely random: “With the chameleon, I really have no idea. I think we were close to the names, but still far away.

And Ruth Moschner before the final decision: “I want it to progress. You spread so much good humor. You want to have the chameleon as an alarm clock. ” In the end, the funny reptile had yet to reveal its identity and was very enthusiastic. It was actually the cult comedian Dieter Hallervorden (84).

As soon as he was released, the moderator Matthias Opdenhövel (49) fell to his knees in front of him. The candidate’s mouth remained open to such a candidate. Ruth Moschner couldn’t believe it: “How can you jump like that at 84? How it works Madness!

The star comedian had the correct answer to that. Didi Hallervorden joked: “In front of you is a member of the risk group. Where does it come from? 30 percent good genes, 40 percent good nutrition, and 30 other exercises, understand … “And then with an extra wink:” Every muscle you don’t move atrophies … “

 Palim Palim! Comedy legend Didi Hallervorden was under the mask of the chameleon Photo: ProSieben / Willi Weber

“data-zoom-src =” https://bilder.bild.de/fotos/palim-palim-comedy-legende-didi-hallervorden-steckte-unter-der-chamaeleon-maske-201413898-70195462/Bild/1. image.jpg “/>

Palim Palim! Comedy legend Didi Hallervorden was under the mask of the chameleonPhoto: ProSieben / Willi Weber

So Ruth couldn’t get any more. She bowed with great words to the star. “Mr. Hallervorden, it is truly the greatest honor you can give us here that YOU have participated here. My knees are shaking, I am completely finished.”

The comedy star was also celebrated by the public.
