The lockdown will probably last, but how long?


The federal states are likely to agree on the expected extension of the crown restrictions beyond January 10, but not on the duration. The heads of state chancelleries could not have agreed in a conference call on Saturday afternoon whether the extension should be decided initially for two or three weeks. News agencies dpa and Reuters report this with reference to the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”, which in turn refers to the conference participants.

Among other things, Bayern for a longer block

Above all, the states of Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, Saxony and Thuringia, which are particularly affected by the crown pandemic, have come for another lockdown until January 31. Bremen, Hamburg and Hesse tended to make new decisions earlier. The same happened with the issue of schools and kindergartens: the most affected countries wanted to keep them closed, the least affected wanted to reopen kindergartens and schools until the seventh grade from 11 January. In higher classes, alternate or distance lessons should be done.

Also Spahn for extension

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn also supports the maintenance of the national blockade after January 10. “In view of the still too high numbers, it is necessary to extend the measures and restrictions”, quotes the CDU politician “RTL Aktuell”. There is currently a maximum number of corona patients in intensive care units. Now it is essential to reduce the incidence of infections and keep them low for a longer period of time. “That’s better than relaxing too soon and then possibly facing tough questions again in a few weeks.” According to the report, Spahn also believes that schools and daycare centers should be closed again. The goal of vaccinating all nursing home residents in January could be achieved. “And that is what we want and we will achieve it with the federal states”, quotes the announcer Spahn.

In Germany there has been a harsh blockade since December 16. The prime ministers of the federal states will discuss how to proceed with Chancellor Merkel on Tuesday. The federal government’s goal is to reduce the number of new infections to below 50 per 100,000 residents in one week. According to the Robert Koch Institute on Saturday, the so-called seven-day incidence is currently a national average of 141.2.
