The head of the Swiss financial regulator, Finma, becomes the new president


Mark branson

The 52-year-old has been head of Swiss financial supervision since 2014, where he enjoys a good reputation.

(Photo: Reuters)

Frankfurt, Zurich He is one of the most important personalities in the German financial sector: Mark Branson, the head of the Swiss financial market regulator Finma, will be the new president of Bafin. The Finance Ministry confirmed a corresponding exclusive message from the Handelsblatt on Monday lunchtime.

“I am delighted to have made Mark Branson an experienced and internationally recognized specialist for German financial supervision,” said Finance Minister Olaf Scholz. “With him at the helm, we want to continue the Bafin reform so that the financial supervisory authority has more influence.”

Branson is a Swiss and a British citizen, making him the first foreigner to lead German financial oversight. The 52-year-old should bring a breath of fresh air to the Bonn authority, whose reputation has suffered greatly from the Wirecard scandal. You should start your new job in the middle of the year, no later than August 1.

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