The hammer of the court must be implemented immediately: the trend of the newly infected in Munich increasingly clear


The mask requirement applies from Monday: In our Corona news ticker, we keep you up to date with the latest news in Munich.

8:17 p.m. The Dachau district office fell in love with a scammer. The man escaped thousands of euros as part of Corona’s emergency aid. Her blatant lie was initially unnoticed.

The hammer of the court must be implemented immediately: the trend of the newly infected in Munich increasingly clear

3.38 p.m .: Earthquake by decision of the Administrative Court. The state government wants to immediately implement the decision of the Administrative Court on the prohibition to sell large companies. Appropriate decisions will be made at the Tuesday meeting. “We will continue to limit ourselves to 800 square meters, but we will also allow the largest stores to limit the sales area to 800 square meters,” said Florian Herrmann, head of the state chancellery. Munich Mercury. “We will adapt the infection control regulation in the cabinet to the decision of the Bavarian Administrative Court.”

3.13 p.m .: In Munich this Monday 26 new crown cases confirmed So far, a total of 5,607 infections have been reported in the state capital. This figure includes 3,928 people who have already recovered, 821 Munich COVID-19 patients who had to be admitted to the hospital as a whole, and 143 deaths. Yesterday, 32 newly infected people had been confirmed. Both numbers are the lowest so far since March 16. On Monday of last week (April 20) there were 52 new confirmed crown infections (a total of 5,211).

Coronavirus in Munich: Markus Söder with hope for gastronomy

12.58 p.m .: Bavarian prime minister Markus Söder (CSU) has given the first positive response after the Store openings Monday morning more Relieving for business and that too Gastronomy
The concept of “relief against protection” seems to work, Söder said Monday after a meeting of the CSU party board in Munich.

One would consider “additional measures” with trade. As for gastronomy, he mentioned the end of May again as a possible time to relax. However, all prospects and deadlines depended on the course of the infection.

Söder reported that the so-called reproductive factor in Bavaria is currently 0.57 and therefore “more significantly” below 1. The daily growth of new infections is currently around 1 percent, he said.

11.18 p.m .: CSU chief and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder maintains a slow pace Reopening the Gastronomy
only conceivable since the end of May. He said that, according to participants, on Monday in a video section of the CSU party executive.

Söder defended the previous course in the fight against the coronavirus and continued to warn of only moderate relaxation. The above strategy, content, and timing were correct. You must continue to act slowly, carefully and carefully, but with prospects. There should be no excessive competition for relaxation.

Munich: Because “gentleman in a white shirt” ignores the obligation to wear a mask – underground passengers may hear strange announcements

10.19 a.m.: For passengers of the Munich transport company (MVG) absolutely new territory: when traveling with Meter, Bus or Trolley car from today they have to Mouthguard wear And the drivers of the means of transport also ensure that Mask requirement is fulfilled as a tweet from BRJournalist Tobias Brunner documents.

On Monday morning, the following announcement was made on the subway: “I ask the gentleman in the white shirt to put on a mask.” The MVG driver is “pretty fast,” summarizes Brunner.

The rest of the passengers wore the mouth guards prescribed according to the tweet.

9.01 a.m.: The number of Hartz IV new applications in Munich it shoots up because of Corona. Compared to the previous monthly average, there has been an increase of approximately five times in the last four weeks, reports the Süddeutsche Zeitung. Freelance and employees of Low-wage sectors they are particularly affected.

He thinks things will get better soon Anette Farrenkopf, CEO of Workplace Munich, initially not. The numbers are more likely to keep increasing. Farrenkopf cites the reason why the Isar metropolis with its diverse cultural scene will continue to be affected by event cancellations.

Also for employees in hotels and in the Gastronomy It looks bleak: Prime Minister Söder had recently said that relaxation of these sectors of the economy was not imminent.

Corona News Munich: Söder offers the possibility of further relaxation

8.46 a.m.: Bavarian prime minister Markus Söder (CSU) has more Relieving of restrictions in the Crown crisis
promised “If this works well this week, then we can think of more relief,” Söder told Bayerischer Rundfunk on Monday (“B5 aktuell”).

Starting this week, stores with up to 800 square meters of retail space may reopen under certain conditions. However, there is a strict mouth-nose protection obligation in stores and on public transport. In schools, face-to-face classes start again for final classes.

Markus Söder can imagine any relief soon.

© dpa / Peter Kneffel

Söder said he wanted to continue on a prudent path to Bavaria. At the end of the week, the company will take stock of local trade and transportation, among other things. The phrase is: better a week later than the others, and on the safe side.

Update April 27, 6:06 a.m.: Starting today, Monday, April 27, the mask requirement applies in Munich and Bavaria: in supermarkets, shops and local public transport, the mouth and nose must be covered. A police spokesman has already warned repeat offenders.

Munich as a breeding ground for the coronavirus? Another expert continues in the television talk: “We were lucky that …”

10.30 p.m.: According to the Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) also has the health expert from SPD, Karl Lauterbach, Munich as a supposed breeding ground for the Corona virus in Germany called.

“We were fortunate to meet the two herds: Munich and Heinsberg,” said the Social Democrat on Sunday night. Anne Will at ARD.

In the political talk, NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) also called for fast and long-range outreach. Relief of exit restrictions to.

Corona: Munich as a hotbed? Kurz dares to make the first move

9:55 p.m. With up to 20 degrees and sunshine, it appeared Spring Sunday in Munich from its most beautiful side.

The people of Munich expelled him – around the Isar It filled up, as the photos show. However, the prescribed seems Minimal distance Largely maintained by 1.5 meters.

Corona Virus in Munich: Many Munich residents were drawn to Isar on Sunday.

© dpa / Peter Kneffel

Corona in Munich: is the Oktoberfest replacement coming? Aiwanger with a proposal, which would also have consequences for beer gardens

8 p.m.: Uli Hoeneß, Honorary President of FC Bayern Munich, interviewed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s (CDU) federal government and the Bavarian state government for dealing with the Crown crisis appreciated

“I believe that Chancellor Angela Merkel, Deputy Chancellor and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz, and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and Health Minister Jens Spahn do a sensational job I fully share the opinion of this group, I can fully identify with their reserved policy, “said the 68-year-old Swabian in an interview. Kicker.

On the other hand, he expressed critical words towards the defenders of a faster loosening of the Exit restrictions.

“Replacing the Oktoberfest” in Munich: Aiwanger renews the proposal for the Oktoberfest

6 p.m.: This year will be Oktoberfest Due to the Crown pandemic no place Bavarian Economy Minister Hubert Aiwanger (free voters) had already expressed the idea of ​​a “replacement memorial Oktoberfest” a few days ago. Bavarian Deputy Prime Minister has already been criticized for the proposal.

But in SundaysStammtisch from Bavarian television (BR) Aiwanger renewed his proposal, with concrete ideas. Consequently, there could be a kind of replacement Oktoberfest in the fall. According to Aiwanger, it would mean: there would be a beer garden, “at a sufficient distance where they would not be in the one-way system,” Aiwanger said in BR.

The Operations I would More expensive Attrition, visitors would sit 1.5 meters away. “Why not?” Aiwanger continued. All of this could take place at Theresienwiese in Munich: Many Munich residents were drawn to Isar on Sunday, but without beer shops. However, the number of visitors would have to be limited. Another statement from the Finance ministers are listening: With similar arrangements for a replacement Oktoberfest, a beer garden in Bavaria could reopen “in the next few weeks”.

Coronavirus in Munich: current infected numbers give hope

3.35 p.m .: 32 new Coronavirus infections reports the city of Munich on Sunday April 26 at 1.30 p.m. So far, a total of 5581 people in the Bavarian capital have been positive for the virus. Sars-CoV-2 Proven This figure includes 3858 people from Munich who are already well. Only 1,723 people are currently infected. The portal explains that there could be even less, because the number of people who are recovering is currently stagnant, “due to the underlying data set. As part of the contact determination, index patients residing outside Munich and who had contact persons in the city area. Some of them Health reports of these index patients mistakenly included in the Munich convalescence statistics ”. Starting Monday, the current number of convalescent individuals must be corrected and re-numbered.

818 Covid-19 patients previously he had to be hospitalized in Munich. 142 are in the consequences of infection with the Corona virus died

58 new infections were confirmed on Sunday of last week, the number of Total infections it had risen to 5,159. The declining number of new infections is cause for hope.

Brazen Munich tries again and again: the new “party trend” could become a problem for the police

11.35 a.m .: On Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, some citizens kept police officers on hold. Had three times Groups be attracted to currently applicable regulations, as reported in the current press report. Two of the groups were supposed to be protected, in Backyards retired

Case 1: On Saturday, around 8:55 p.m., a police patrol in Obersendling In the courtyard of an apartment building, a group of seven people (between 29 and 45 years old) celebrate. The group sat there and drank beer, among other things. All participants were after the Infection Protection Law exhibited.

Case 2: On Saturday, around 10:15 p.m., another Eggs back at Maxvorstadt instead Several tables were set up, different drinks were consumed. Police were able to find a total of seven people (ages 24 to 55), all of whom were reported under the Infection Protection Act.

Case 3: On Sunday, around 3:15 p.m., five people (ages 18-22) were killed in a police patrol on a street that turns in the Lerchenau The five had met and played together, among other things. Soccer ball. A correspondent waits for all involved Display.

Crown wedding in Munich? The store displays “eye-catching for the bride” on the storefront: passersby pick up their cell phones

Update April 26, 8:18 a.m. Special times require special measures, also in front of the altar? A munich Bridal shop You have a clear idea of ​​what a crown wedding could look like.

“When it was foreseeable that Mask requirement Sooner or later it will affect us all, we came up with the idea of ​​making an additional attraction for the bride. For all Wedding dress we deliver the correct mask of the same fabric / tip “, he explains Miroslava Winkler, Owner of Munich White at the Schwabinger Tor.

Various types of masks have been added to the range.

© Munich White

Regardless of the wedding dress they are in the store in the Leopoldstrasse Various skins available. One Manikin with the appropriate “facial jewelry” you have already caused a stir. “In front of the store, pedestrians are often seen taking pictures of the reason,” reports Winkler.

The store appears to have touched a nerve: “We are getting more Inquiries – not just from girlfriends – to special, unusual and high-quality masks that could also be used to go out, ”says the owner.

Popular photographic motif among passers-by: the bride in a mask.

© Munich White

Coronavirus: drug breakthrough? Chief physician of the Munich clinic with hopeful words

6.41 p.m .: Is there an advance in drugs? Data from early studies on therapy Covid-19 lung disease with the drug Remdesivir caused quite a stir. The effect of the American drug originally developed against Ebola is currently being investigated worldwide. Media reports briefly led to the upheaval, after which the remedy was unsuccessful. Manufacturers and medical professionals are now warning of premature conclusions. The drug was used in patients in the Munich Clinic Schwabing First successes, said Clemens Wendtner, chief physician at the local infectious disease clinic.

According to conservative estimates, half of his patients have benefited, Wendtner said. It seems that seriously ill people could withdraw from the fans sooner.

2.42 p.m .: In Munich turned 57 this Saturday new crown cases
confirmed So far, a total of 5,549 infections have been reported in the state capital.

This figure includes 3,858 people who have already recovered, 814 Munich COVID-19 patients who had to be admitted to the hospital as a whole and 138 deaths.

Corona News: Hundreds of people besiege the access point in Munich – residents raise the alarm

12.36 p.m .: Yesterday Friday at 9 p.m. Police patrol discovered that around 200 people became popular with many Munich night owls Gärtnerplatz Some of these were also in larger ones. Groups together and therefore apparently did not adhere to current regulations regarding exit restriction such as Munich police announced in a press release.

By some Residents The police operations center received an identical report. Local police officers called for reinforcements due to the large number of people who now went to Gärtnerplatz.

Already with the presence of the first patrol, a large part of the people who had previously settled there moved. When more police officers arrived, the rest of the crowd was checked and verified to make sure they were being followed. Regulation he pointed. All people behaved cooperatively. A direct violation of the rules could not be found.

12.25 p.m .: The Tierpark Hellabrunn in Munich is for a possible Quarantine at Crown crisis equipped. The zoo purchased additional beds so that employees can stay on site for several weeks in an emergency, the director said. Rasem Baban the Süddeutsche Zeitung. “The volunteers contacted me immediately and told me: I’m going, I’m taking my sleeping bag and cornered myself so that I can take care of the animals.”

However, the zoo is more likely to be closed again from May 4. Requirements allowed to open. Baban told the newspaper that protective masks, gloves and special mats for shoe disinfection are already standard when it comes to animals. The zoo is already developing plans for the Reopening.

Update April 25, 11:30 a.m.: Soon to rule the squares of Munich Volksfest Humor? Greens, SPD and CSU can imagine exactly that. In a joint application, the parties have the City administration asked to check if one is Munich Farmers and weekly markets. You could also launch Volksfest delicacies for sale. A local restoration empire had already attempted this.

The Corona app offers calm hope: will there be a festival atmosphere in Munich soon?

The application provides the Sale traditional and abundant dishes and sweets such as cotton candy and chocolate fruits, on days when there is no regular market. Munich Business Consultant Clemens Baumgärtner he expressed himself Image quite impressed: “The app is going in the right direction! We just have to make sure there is no displacement competition with the existing catering service. So I think the markets are very suitable.”

Friday (April 24) Crown– The crowded Munich restaurants made a splash with a spectacular cry for help at Odeonsplatz. An interested person complains, “Why shouldn’t we at least open the door with a sufficient safe distance between the tables?”

Corona News Munich: Statistics show how much patience of citizens is decreasing

Source message:

Munich / Augsburg – The Approval of people in Bavaria to Corona exit restrictions has dropped significantly. One in three considers that Restrictions in everyday life is no longer appropriate: People between the ages of 30 and 39 are particularly impatient, according to a representative survey conducted by the Civey Opinion Research Institute on behalf of General of Augsburg (Saturday edition).

In early April, 84.3 percent of Bavarians surveyed said, “Yes, exit restrictions are reasonable,” approval was now only 61.1 percent. 33.4 percent answered no. In the first survey, it was 11.3 percent.

Higher Defenders Exit restrictions remain with 77.2 percent of people over 65. But even among them, approval was still 93.7 percent in early April. Just under half of people aged 30-39 welcomed the extension of the restrictions.


Starting Monday, fighting the coronavirus across Bavaria means: masking! But does that only apply to buses and shops? Or also while pedaling? The most important answers at a glance.

List of rubric lists: © dpa / Peter Kneffel
