The Foreign Ministry is promoting new corona measures: will the “closing light” now come? – politics


According to information from “Bild”, the Chancellery wants to announce more restrictions on public life due to the rapid increase in corona infections on Wednesday. In contrast to the closure in spring, schools and daycare centers should remain open, except in regions with catastrophically high infection rates, the newspaper reported Monday night.

The retail sector should also remain open with new restrictions. According to “Bild”, the Chancellery wants to be tough, especially when it comes to catering and events.

Due to Corona’s tense situation, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and state ministers will discuss how to proceed in a video conference on Wednesday. It’s about what the federal and state governments can do together to break the trend as quickly as possible, government spokesman Steffen Seibert said Monday. Everyone is aware that “every day counts.”

Over the weekend, Merkel once again urged all citizens to reduce contacts in general. On Monday, after the “Bild” information, he warned the CDU committees that the rise in infections must be stopped urgently. The situation is “very dynamic” and “dramatic”.

Difficult situation with intensive care beds

Germany could soon find itself in a “difficult situation” with intensive care beds in clinics. The head of the Chancellery, Helge Braun (CDU), was also very skeptical in the CDU consultations, according to information from the German Press Agency. The numbers rose too fast, he made clear, according to the participants.

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Merkel and the prime ministers last discussed together on October 14 and agreed on some additional measures, especially for the regional strongholds of Corona. The Chancellor had already made it clear at that time that after about ten days it would be possible to see “if more steps are necessary or if the steps that have been decided have already been enough.” The Federal Government did not initially comment on any conceivable additional measures.

NRW urges new measures

North Rhine-Westphalia wants to push for more action in the deliberations. This is based on a thesis paper from the NRW Ministry of Health, which ntv is available. A priority for interrupting the current development of infections should be to “observe and implement existing rules,” the document says.

New measures are inevitable in view of current development, “but they must set aside future core areas differently than in spring.”

To achieve this goal, the document proposes a contact restriction, as already decided by the Prime Minister’s Conference on October 14. Consequently, meetings with more than ten people in the private space and with more than five people in the public space should be prohibited if the increase in the number of infections does not stop within ten days at the latest; as is known, this has not happened.

North Rhine-Westphalia only wants to make this point as an “urgent recommendation”, as the state government, as well as Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate, are concerned about the inviolability of the apartment.

The thesis paper also proposes the closure of sports and leisure activities in closed halls, the prohibition of contact sports, the prohibition of events, fairs and congresses and the prohibition of “special and annual markets”. Weekly markets serving the food supply must be exempted from the ban.

CDU Vice Strobl wants to “turn everything off” if necessary

CDU federal vice president Thomas Strobl calls for a week-long shutdown in Germany if the crown situation worsens.

“If the numbers continue to develop like this, then we have to look for measures, for example that we close everything once a week, that nothing works from Friday to Sunday during the week,” the Baden-Württemberg resident Minister of the Interior told the news portal “The Pioneer”. When asked if the closure would also affect schools, daycare centers and stores, Strobl said: “Everything is everything.” That also means restrictions on border traffic.

Strobl argued that this could stop the infection. The advantage of this “very, very difficult” solution would be the time limit. The CDU politician also emphasized that Christmas business and a Christmas time together with the family would be possible again.

Most Germans expect another closure

Almost two-thirds of Germans expect shops, restaurants or schools to close again due to the drastic increase in the number of corona infections. In a poll conducted by the opinion research institute YouGov on behalf of the German Press Agency, 63 percent said they expected such a blockade. Only 23 percent do not believe in him, 13 percent did not provide any information.

It is understood that a confinement means far-reaching restrictions on public life. To combat the first wave of corona, the federal and state governments decided to close schools and kindergartens and block cultural and sports facilities from the public.

Most restaurants, shops and service providers were not allowed to receive customers, meetings in churches or sports clubs were prohibited. Gatherings of more than two people from different households were not allowed for weeks.

In contrast to the nationwide measures taken in spring, there are now countermeasures in so-called hotspots, that is, cities and regions with a high number of infections, to contain the second corona wave. These include an expansion of the mask requirement, a limit on the number of guests at private celebrations, contact restrictions in public spaces, and a curfew for restaurants. (dpa)
