The first intermediate balance is mixed


KShortly after the start of the new school year in all federal states, teachers’ associations and education unions obtain mixed interim results. The fact that it has performed so well under Corona conditions is due less to the “comprehensive hygiene plans” of the Conference of Education Ministers and individual state ministries, but to the fact that the infection rate in Germany is still manageable, said the president of the Association of German Teachers, Heinz-Peter. Meidinger, the German Press Agency. “The real test is still ahead,” he said, looking ahead to fall and winter.

“Everybody tries, but it depends a bit on luck,” said Ilka Hoffmann, a member of the Board of Education and Science Union (GEW). There is a lot of uncertainty. School administrators complained that many got stuck with them and that there was a lack of political support. “There are requirements that in some cases cannot be met, for example due to structural conditions. And if something goes wrong, it means someone has probably had a party. “

The president of the Association for Education and Parenting (VBE), Udo Beckmann, made a similar statement. “The new school year began with great uncertainties that have yet to be resolved.”

The Teachers Association appreciates that face-to-face teaching is once again taking place in full classes and study groups in all federal states and that in some federal states it has been possible to incorporate more teaching personnel into schools. Progress had also been made in the loan of equipment for students and in equipping teachers with work laptops. There were also signs of progress in professional maintenance of IT systems in schools.

Michael Piazolo, Minister of Culture of Bavaria, visits the Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium in Unterhaching.

Michael Piazolo, Minister of Culture of Bavaria, visits the Lise-Meitner-Gymnasium in Unterhaching.

Image: dpa

However, Meidinger again expressed criticism about how different the approach is in federal states: “There are countries with step-by-step plans and some without, there are countries with mask requirements and some without, there are countries that isolate learning groups each other, and those who do this Limit the cohorts of several hundred students, there are countries with series of tests for teachers and some without them ”. That doesn’t necessarily increase confidence in politics.
