The federal states are planning for the next few weeks


AIn view of the almost uncontrolled rise in crown numbers, there are growing signs of an impending lockdown, at least in parts of Germany. Along with countries like Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and others, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) vehemently advocated for the closure of public life as soon as possible before Christmas. “We feel like it slips through our fingers,” Söder warned on Friday at the presentation of a new vaccination center in Nuremberg. “We can’t start after Christmas,” Söder said. “Why wait when we know it is necessary?”

The government asked Söder’s rhetorical question in Baden-Württemberg already collected. In the case of the residents of Bavaria, new measures will be applied as of next Saturday, specifically an exit restriction. For exceptions, one must have “valid reasons” such as work or a visit to the doctor, said Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Greens). During the day, up to five people from no more than two households can meet. This is also prohibited at night. Schools, kindergartens, universities and outlets must remain open until further notice; A powerful lockdown isn’t planned until after Christmas.

And in the other countries?

Also in Schleswig-Holstein instead of ten, only five people from a maximum of two households should be allowed to gather together, even at Christmas. Only the closest family is excluded, he said. Night visits by family members in hotels should also be prohibited. Also, only grocery stores and stores for daily necessities are expected to be able to open during the next week. There should no longer be face-to-face classes for eighth graders. A decision on the most far-reaching measures has not yet been made. However, as of this Saturday, the service and consumption of alcohol in public is prohibited throughout the country.

And Söder wasn’t idle at home either. Bayern imposed a ban on alcohol in all public spaces. Exit restrictions have been in place in Bavaria for days, especially in the afternoon and evening hours between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m., especially where the number of infections is very high. In the particularly affected district of Regen in eastern Bavaria, where the incidence in seven days is almost 600, shops and nurseries will be closed. Whether this will happen on Saturday or not until Monday needs to be clarified on short notice Friday night.

In North Rhine-Westphalia Compulsory student attendance ends on Monday for now, as announced by Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU). From eighth grade onwards, lessons are taught remotely and students in lower grades are required to participate in the lessons from home. School holidays are extended by two days. The schools will remain open until December 18. The holidays end on January 11.

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In Saxony By far the harshest measures apply. The eastern state enters a four-week lockdown from Monday and closes public life. Therefore, schools, day care centers and after-school care centers will remain closed, as will many retail stores. For shopping, sports and exercise, there is a 15 kilometer radius around your own living room. The ordinance approved by Parliament is valid until January 10. The tightening continues to include a night-out restriction. The mask requirement is expanded, alcohol is prohibited in public. Health Minister Petra Köpping (SPD) announced an increase in controls.
