The federal government publishes crown announcements # special heroes


meThere is one thing young people are being declared heroes for right now: doing nothing. Stay home and relax. Preferably in front of the TV or with a large cardboard bucket filled with pieces of fried chicken. At least that’s how the federal government portrays it in recent Corona ads posted under the hashtag # specialhelden. They show an older man and an older lady who, looking back, report on 2020 and the second corona wave they experienced in Chemnitz. .

Johanna Durrholz

“2020, that was a long time ago,” says the lady. “We were curious about life. Then all of a sudden everything changed. The whole country looked at us young people with hope. We cheered up and did … “(dramatic music)” … nothing! ”(Dramatic music fades.) They would just have been“ moldy ”and spinning. In the video, the young couple can be seen chewing on chicken pieces in bed in 2020. A respirator is stuck in an album of images of elderly people. “We were special heroes!”

Reactions on social networks did not wait. Many users find humorous videos funny and singularly amusing. Others, on the other hand, criticize the casual approach to the serious problem. It is said that those who have no financial worries can stay. Everyone else would have little to smile about. “I also want to get bored sometimes! When does the part of the Crown crisis come where I can get bored? Somehow it wasn’t there yet. I had to home school the children, take care of my classes, worry when the schools reopen … ”, wrote a Twitter user below the video. Still others complain that the money the federal government has spent on high-quality ads has been better used elsewhere.

Other users report that many Brits have requested a translation. A version with English subtitles is already circulating on Twitter and has received much praise from English-speaking users.

Meanwhile, harsh criticism of the ads shows that sitting around is not an option for everyone. Some have to earn money in some way. Others have to go for a walk at least once for emotional reasons. And financially, things are certainly not looking so rosy for everyone in Germany at this time when the entire nation can sleep peacefully through the winter on the couch. But, the ads are apparently satirically exaggerated, they can be seen as an attempt to survive the crisis with humor, an attempt that did not turn out too bad. The films have the style of a documentary in which contemporary witnesses relate an exceptional situation. Playing with time levels is also satirized in these documentaries: At first glance, the youth of 2020 look a bit like the youth of 1950, with retro glasses and retro filters.

The target group and the message that some incredulous users are asking for should be clear: Young people, stay home! Does nothing! Watch Netflix as much as you can, eat fast food until it drops; The main thing is that it does not go out, does not party and stops the spread of the coronavirus. In fact, the federal government is almost completely absent from the tone (“musty”, as the word youth 1998) and targets young people quite adequately, even if it forgets about all the Fridays For Future supporters who are not necessarily known for it. Consume cheap meat in disposable containers.
