The federal government is apparently pushing for stricter crown requirements


To curb the rapid rise in the number of infections, the federal government is apparently pushing for crown requirements to be met. This Wednesday, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will again consult with the prime minister on the escalation of development. The video conference was originally planned for Friday, now it is moving forward.

According to a media report, the federal government is proposing a kind of “shutdown light.” According to the newspaper “Bild”, schools and kindergartens should remain open, except in regions with a catastrophically high number of corona infections. The retail sector should also remain open, albeit with additional restrictions.

Restaurants and bars should close according to “Bild”.

On the other hand, Chancellor Merkel wants to “act tough” in the restaurant sector and in events, as the report says: restaurants and bars should close and events should be banned. “Bild” did not mention a specific source for this, the sheet was referring to information from “informed circles”.

The television station ntv reported, citing government circles, that Merkel was planning a drastic restriction of social contacts. No details were given. Here it was also said that schools should remain as open as possible.

Government Spokesperson: Every Day Counts

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert had previously refused in Berlin to speculate on the new crown protection measures and referred to upcoming consultations on the matter. It’s about what the federal and state governments can do together to break the trend as quickly as possible, Seibert said Monday. Everyone is aware that “every day counts.”

Merkel and the prime ministers last discussed together on October 14 and agreed on some additional measures, especially for the regional strongholds of Corona. The Chancellor had already made it clear at that time that after about ten days it would be possible to see “if more steps are necessary or if the steps that have been decided have already been enough.”

Dreyer: Reduce Contacts

Rhineland-Palatinate Prime Minister Malu Dreyer said that during consultations with Merkel it should be discussed on Wednesday whether contacts in Germany should be further restricted. “We are in a very dire situation,” Dreyer said, referring to the exponential increase in corona infections.

The Social Democrat spoke of a “decisive turning point” in the course of the pandemic. However, it is necessary to think about which contacts could be further reduced “without the nurseries and schools having to close and the economy collapses.

RKI reports 8,685 new infections

As announced by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Monday morning, health authorities reported 8,685 new infections in one day, roughly double the number on Monday a week ago at 4,325. The numbers are lower on Sundays and Mondays, also because there are fewer tests on weekends. 14,714 new infections were reached on Saturday, a maximum since the start of the pandemic in Germany.
