The Federal Council initiative failed: federal states did not admit refugees


Even in the future, states and federal municipalities will not be able to decide for themselves whether to accept refugees. A corresponding move in the Federal Council with a view to Moria failed. The Greek countryside was also a problem in the Bundestag.

An initiative by Berlin and Thuringia for the states to accept asylum seekers independently into the Federal Council failed. In the vote, the proposal, which is rejected by the federal government, did not achieve a majority.

He planned to let the federal states decide for themselves whether to accept asylum seekers from abroad. The consent of the Federal Minister of the Interior, which is required in the current legal situation, should be abolished.

Unequal treatment?

The parliamentary secretary of state for the Federal Interior Ministry, Stephan Mayer (CSU), criticized that such state admission programs would treat asylum seekers unevenly in Germany. Because while protected status is granted early on in state programs, foreigners who can enter through a federal government admission program must go through an asylum procedure to no avail. This carries the risk of “giving the impression that we are not complying with applicable European legislation”.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer had already stopped attempts by federal states to host refugees on their own.

Green motion rejected in the Bundestag

Moria was also a problem in the Bundestag. The Greens, for example, demanded that “the blockade against the high will of acceptance of the states and federal municipalities be abandoned.” In addition to a federal intake program, “federal states and municipalities that are ready to act” should be possible, according to a request from the Greens.

In addition, all the people would have to be evacuated from the Lesbos camp. The federal government must ensure that “the more than 12,000 refugees from Moria and, in the future, also the refugees from the other Greek islands” are distributed immediately. According to the draft, the federal government should “establish a model for a humane and orderly asylum policy, taking into account the special responsibility within the Presidency of the Council of the EU.”

The request was rejected. The SPD deputy, Helge Lindh, emphasized that the heart tells you: “You have to welcome 13,000 people.” But that is also not feasible together with Greece. Such a decision would not be responsible even in terms of a European solution.

Union MP Michael Kuffer (CSU) said that it is most likely that quick and effective help will be provided on site. There is a social consensus in Germany to help people in need, but this cannot be reinterpreted in a will for unlimited immigration, as the Greens wanted.

1553 people must be accepted

The federal government had declared that it would host 1,553 people from 408 families in Greece who had already been recognized as beneficiaries. The federal government had previously promised to accept up to 150 unaccompanied minors from Moria. This could possibly start before the end of the month, as announced by Federal Interior Ministry spokesman Steve Alter.

Deutschlandfunk reported on this topic in the news on September 18, 2020 at 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm
