The federal and state governments want to extend the partial blockade until January 10


AIn light of the persistently high crown numbers, the partial lockdown will run until January 10. Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the federal states decided on this during their deliberations on Wednesday, as announced by the CDU politician on Wednesday night. “In principle, the condition remains as it is now,” Merkel said. The decision that has now been made provides for states to extend their respective ordinances until the deadline, with all the variations that already exist currently from one country to another, Merkel said.

In the corona pandemic, Germany is still “very far” from target values, the Chancellor added. There were a very high number of fatalities. This shows the responsibility of the federal and state governments. In seven days, a value of 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants should be reached, Merkel said.

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) said Corona’s situation was “by no means” relaxed. It is correct to extend the partial blockade until January 10. At the same time, it indicated a possible further tightening of the partial blockage. In the coming weeks, it will be necessary to consider whether the previous anti-crown measures of the federal and state governments will be sufficient, Söder said. “The question is can we keep the country in this kind of half-sleep all the time, or if we don’t have to think again sometime about digging in and being more rigorous in some places,” he said.

Saar Prime Minister Tobias Hans (CDU) demanded the unity of his country colleagues in the fight against the pandemic. “Despite all the regional differences, people expect us to comply with comparable regulations across the country to deal with the corona pandemic,” Hans told the German news agency in Berlin on Wednesday night. “What we need most now is unity: the more we speak with one voice, the greater the acceptance of the measures.”

The Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Manuela Schwesig, for her part, announced that she wanted to reserve the right not to continue the current partial blockade until January 10, unlike other federal states. The MV summit on December 15 will decide on this, said Schwesig in Schwerin. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, along with Schleswig-Holstein, is one of two states that can deviate from national regulation thanks to a seven-day low incidence of fewer than 50 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants.

During the deliberations, the country’s leaders also campaigned to improve November aid for businesses in partial closure. Söder, many companies were waiting for payments. Advances anticipated above are too low. Berlin Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) made a similar statement. Merkel indicated improvements. The question of whether there could be higher payments on account was discussed. In some cases, this could be “urgent”.

The association of cities demands clear perspectives and “signs of hope”

The executive director of the association of towns and municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, told the newspapers of the Funke media group that an extension of the partial closure until early January would be a tough approach, but inevitable. The number of infections is still clearly too high. “However, you need to develop a clear outlook for the period after early January,” Landsberg said. “It is difficult to imagine a lockdown lasting several months, which will also continue into early 2021.”

This applies not only from the perspective of the affected companies and the economy as a whole, but also from the perspective of the people who rightly want to regain some normalcy. Landsberg believed that politics should send “clear signals of hope” to the population. “That should be possible, especially since vaccinations, which are expected to start soon, can gradually guarantee more safety.”
