The federal and state governments are discussing new restrictions


reThe federal government wants to make new resolutions together with the federal states on Wednesday to limit the recent rapid spread of the coronavirus, even before its regular conference on Friday. “What can be done will have to be discussed,” government spokesman Steffen Seibert said in Berlin on Monday. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) will participate in the video conference with the Prime Minister. The situation is dire. The number of new infections recorded daily almost doubled in a week. There has to be a quick stabilization here.

Seibert still didn’t want to suggest exactly what should be decided. But everyone should know that now every day counts. “So I also look forward to resolutions.” There are again more corona patients in hospitals and more infections among the elderly. Furthermore, it is no longer possible to trace the waves of infection everywhere.

According to a report, Merkel is planning “shutdown light”

In light of the massive increase in corona infections, the chancellor is pushing for massive new restrictions on restaurants and events, according to a report in the “Bild” newspaper on Monday. The “Bild” did not name a specific source for this, the newspaper cited information from “informed circles” in the run-up to the maximum meeting between the Chancellor and the Prime Ministers of the federal states scheduled for Wednesday.

Unlike the spring closure, according to the report, schools and nurseries should not be closed, except in regions with particularly high numbers of infections. The retail sector should also remain open, albeit with additional restrictions.

Dreyer speaks of a “decisive turning point”

In the view of the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, Wednesday’s deliberations should also focus on whether contacts in Germany should be further restricted. “We are in a very dire situation,” Dreyer said Monday during a Crown Alliance Rhineland-Palatinate video change with a view to the exponential rise in corona infections.
