The ending was clear, but the motivation was there anyway.


The elimination was already clear, but the team seemed motivated: the German handball team achieved its third victory in the Egypt World Cup against Brazil. The DHB team won 31:24 against Brazil. As Spain and Hungary had already won their matches in Group I of the main round, it was clear before the match that Germany could no longer qualify for the quarterfinals. A maximum of third place in the group is still possible.

“Of course it is bitter not to have achieved our goal of the World Cup. But we have to attribute it to ourselves. At the crucial moments we just weren’t good enough, ”said DHB Vice President Bob Hanning of the sports information service. Germany had lost both to Hungary (28:29) and to Spain (28:32). Hanning recorded two wins in the last two games against Brazil and Poland on Monday (8:30 PM / ARD).

The German team obviously took it seriously and got off to a good start. At first, Brazil recovered two disadvantages, but then failed to score for six minutes. The DHB team took advantage of the weak phase, Julius Kühn achieved 7: 2 (minute 10). Brazil took the first break and reorganized. After that, Germany no longer played their attacks so concentrated, and Kühn also received a two-minute penalty. For example, when Haniel Langaro’s goal was 10: 8, Brazil scored two goals (15th). The German team was not disturbed by this, they continued to play in a controlled manner and went into the break with a 16:12 lead.

Germany also remained superior in the second half. However, after three goals in a row, Brazil fell to a three-goal deficit. Goalkeeper Johannes Bitter broke the series with a parade (48th). Then Germany got stronger and took off in the final 31:24.

»We take the experiences and knowledge from this World Cup and we will do better in the summer. I’m sure of it, ”Hanning said, looking at Olympia. The German team has yet to prevail in a qualifying tournament in Berlin from March 12-14. The opponents are Sweden, Slovenia and Algeria, the first two nations get Olympic places.

Icon: The mirror
