The end of Donald Trump: an explosive telephone recording is published


“I’ll be there”, promises Donald Trump and already evokes a “historic day.” The current US president refers to a protest on Wednesday in Washington. As Congress meets to certify the outcome of the November 3 presidential election, Trump is calling for a demonstration in front of the White House. As unusual as Trump designed his presidency for four years, he is ending it these days.

Trump supporters want to protest in a total of four demonstrations in the capital against the certification of the election result, that is, the defeat of Trump and the victory of Joe Biden. You are following Trump’s insubstantial slogans that he won the election and there was massive “electoral fraud.”

Several courts, including the conservative-dominated Supreme Court, dismissed corresponding claims by Trump and his lawyers. In the electoral body that determines the president, Democrat Biden has 306 votes, Trump 232. The inauguration of Bidens takes place on January 20. By then, Trump must have left the White House.

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Torsten Krauel comments on how the loyal Republicans behind Trump are sidelining the entire party with their voter fraud theories.

“Women for America First”, “Tea Party Patriots” or “Stop the steal”: these are the names of the groups calling for a “March for Trump” on Wednesday. “Democrats are cheating to withdraw and nullify Republican votes,” he said in his appeal. Now it’s up to the American people to stop all of this. Together with Trump, one “will do whatever it takes to ensure the integrity of this election for the good of the nation.”

“Whatever is needed”? Will there be violence again, as in the latest protests by Trump supporters in Washington in November of last year? Right-wing extremists, segregationists, nationalists, conspiracy theorists and the paramilitary “Proud Boys” are likely to return to the left-liberal capital on Wednesday.

Mayor Muriel Bowser already urged residents of her own city and region to avoid downtown on Tuesday and Wednesday. They don’t like themselves, Bowser asked, “to get involved with the protesters who come to our city and seek confrontation.” The ten former defense ministers of the United States who are still alive already warn against abuse by the military in the dispute over the results of the elections. Engaging the military would lead the United States into “dangerous, illegal, and unconstitutional territory,” the 10 Republicans and Democrats said in a guest article in the Washington Post.

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Congress session on January 6

One of the protesters’ slogans is “Stop the robbery”, which means “Stop the robbery”, understood by the supposed electoral victory of Trump. The incumbent president himself likes to talk about a “stolen election.” The announced speakers will be President’s friend Roger Stone, recently pardoned by Trump, and Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a supporter of QAnon’s conspiracy theories.

The much greater political relevance will have on Wednesday a joint meeting of the House of Representatives and the Senate, in which the result of the elections will be certified. So Trump’s staunchly loyal Vice President Mike Pence will chair the meeting. The entire congress meeting is actually a formality. Now, however, several Republicans do not want to acknowledge the result of the elections of two months ago. They point out that many Americans view the elections as bogus, which Trump has been trying to convince people almost every day for two months.

Eleven senators followed the lead of their fellow Republican MP Josh Hawley and announced that they would appeal against the results of individual states. Many Republicans in the House of Representatives want to do the same.

Irony in political foul play

This is a serious setback for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. I wanted to avoid such actions. But how will Pence behave? Republican attorney Lin Wood recently suggested arresting the vice president and a treason trial.

As little as the planned objections lead to “changing” the outcome of the election, which is embarrassing to Trump, they are likely to derail planned and customary processes. It’s the end of Trump. Republicans in Congress, seasoned politicians, by no means, unlike parts of their supporters, expect a second term for Trump.

For them, such political actions are a means of making themselves popular with Trump and his fans, creating reputations for their own future candidacies, possibly laying the groundwork for a presidential candidacy in 2024. Irony in political dirty play: among those who now doubt Biden’s election victory is Senator Ted Cruz, Trump’s 2015/16 contender for the Republican presidential nomination. Trump accused him of electoral fraud five years ago (and falsely claimed that Cruz’s father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy).

The recording of an hour-long phone call published by the Washington Post on Sunday reveals the parallel world that Trump currently lives in.

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In it, Trump asked Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who is responsible for elections in the US state of Georgia on Saturday, to “seek” votes for him so that he would ultimately be the winner there. Trump lost the Georgia election. Biden won there by 11,779 votes. Trump said during the phone call: “I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. Because we won the state. “

Anyone who listens to the recording perceives a man who is trying by all means to annul the result of the election. Trump cites the alleged number of visitors to his rallies as evidence of his victory in Georgia. It also refers to statements from other unnamed states, as well as trends on social media. So he cultivated his myth that he was undefeated against Biden.

Trump claims a dozen times during the phone call that Georgia “won”. Republican Secretary of State Raffensperger rejects Trump’s claims on several occasions. He once said: “Mr. President, the data you have is wrong.” Trump did not initially comment on the released recording. Vice President-elect Kamala Harris spoke of a “blatant abuse of power.” Trump’s actions brought out “the voice of despair.”

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A few days after the election, Trump supporters in Atlanta do not want to admit the defeat of their idol, they demonstrate with a cardboard cutout.

Trump plans to hold a rally in Georgia on Monday night. It is only his second and final appearance there before the second round of elections for two senatorial seats. The choice is everything, the outcome depends on the majority in the Senate. If the Republicans lose both races, there will be a tie with the Democrats. The vice president has a casting vote in the second chamber: in just over two weeks she will be Kamala Harris.

In the House of Representatives, Democrats secured their power on Sunday. His former spokesperson, Nancy Pelosi, won the required majority in an hour-long open election with an alphabetical insult.

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Pelosi got 219 votes, her Republican challenger Kevin McCarthy got 209 votes. When the result was announced: cheers from the Democrats. There were only a few Republicans left in plenary, and McCarthy was also not present. Another violation of the usual customs in democracy.

The majority of the Democrats in the House had melted in the November 3 election. Trump and the Republicans have no doubts about the results of the House or Senate elections.

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In Washington, meanwhile, people are baffled by what may have caused Trump to end the Christmas holidays at his property in the hot summer of Mar-a-lago, Florida, and return to the White House. Perhaps it was not just anger at the election result and the impending loss of power.

For example, Trump is said to have criticized in Mar-a-lago the renovation of his own property, CNN and the Washington Post report, citing an auditory witness. The renovation of the luxury property in Palm Beach had been overseen by Trump’s wife, Melania, in anticipation of the early relocation of the White House there.
