The dispute escalates: a man (48) dies after a fight – Hannover


Hannover – They argued first, and when they were speechless, they attacked!

In a dispute between several people in the Hannover diversion and the Steintorviertel red light mile, a man (48) was initially seriously injured on Wednesday night. After the man suffered brain death in hospital, he was pronounced dead.

According to police and prosecutors, the man went out with a 49-year-old woman in central Hannover on Wednesday night when they met the alleged perpetrators around 9:30 p.m. Kniehauerstrasse.

According to initial findings, there was a dispute as a result of which the 48-year-old man was seriously injured in fist fights.

Over the course of the fight, the 48-year-old victim is said to have fallen to the ground and sustained fatal injuries. The victim was no longer accessible at the scene and was resuscitated by rescuers and an emergency physician.

He was then taken to a hospital, where doctors could only determine the man’s brain death. His partner (49) is now being cared for in pastoral care.

According to initial information, the 48-year-old and his partner (49) initially got into a fight with several people before there were fights. A total of four alleged perpetrators crowded in the direction of Schmiedestrasse / Georgstrasse after the crime. An immediate police pursuit was not initially successful.

Alleged perpetrators on the run

A male person was described as thin and dark-skinned. It is said to be around 20 years old and 1.86 meters tall. At the time of the crime, she is said to have been wearing dark clothing and curly rasta hair.

We are also looking for a woman around 25 years old. She must be slim, around 1.55 meters tall and have long blonde hair. According to witnesses, she was wearing jogging clothes at the time of the crime.

In total, the police are currently searching for three perpetrators. Another alleged perpetrator (19) turned himself in to the police that night. He is currently detained.

It is still unclear why the men argued.

If you have observed the crime or can provide information on the perpetrators, please contact the crime service at 0511 109-5555.
