The Digital Green Party Congress Begins: A Smooth Start at the Tempodrom


The Greens want to adopt a new basic program at their digital party congress. The base is fighting for the new leadership. The party leadership is analyzing the government’s participation after the federal elections.

The Greens have started their digital party congress in which they want to give themselves a new basic program. It’s a party congress with no boos and no applause, no cheers in this Corona winter. Under the slogan “Change creates stability”, the party advocates for consistent climate protection and ecological management, as well as greater social justice. The subscription is digital. The text that has been debated for two years and is intended to replace the previous 2002 core program will also be discussed in a large video conference.

At the start of the three-day party congress, Green leader Annalena Baerbock campaigned for a socio-ecological restructuring of society and demanded an open ear for skeptics. “Change, innovation and movement are not a promise for everyone, but also an imposition for many,” said the president. “We have to look at the winners of the change as well as the potential losers.” She understands future concerns, for example, in industrial locations, but the crown crisis could turn out at the time of departure. “This change has to work for everyone: both for the partner and for the craftsman,” he said.

At the same time, Baerbock is urging quick action on climate policy. “2040 or 2050 is not critical,” Baerbock said in his keynote address, saying the next ten years will be critical. “Now the decisive decade begins.”

The chief of the Greens relies on hope and strong words in this bleak Corona winter. “This bad year shows what rough seas we live in and what can happen,” says Baerbock. “But what the virus can do, we have been able to do for a long time.” Humanity quickly found a vaccine: “We can do miracles.”

Attack on the union

The Greens hope to participate in the government after the general elections next fall. “In a democracy you need majorities, a basic acceptance and the willingness of the people to participate,” Baerbock said. Although it is not yet about the electoral program and even less about the candidate for Chancellor or the candidate for Chancellor of the Greens, the party moves forward for next year with the state elections and the federal elections in the fall. The goal: to resume the fight with the Union, which is currently between 16 and 19 percentage points ahead of the polls.

Connected from 700 living rooms

The Greens really wanted to meet in Karlsruhe, where the party was founded in 1980. But due to currently applicable Corona restrictions, the party’s congress is now being held digitally. Federal CEO Michael Kellner had announced beforehand that delegates would be connected from more than 700 living and working rooms. Only the party executive and the presidium are present at the Berlin Tempodrom, which also serves as a broadcast center. Instead of applauding the delegates, they look down a quiet corridor.

As Baerbock delivers her speech on a podium, somewhat alone and without the usual party convention atmosphere, Robert Habeck sits behind her on a sofa. No noise, no murmurs. Because of the crown, Baerbock is a solo artist who encourages her group to leave.

Controversial online debates are expected, among other things, on the basic social income, in a referendum at the federal level, but above all on the formulation of climate goals. The subject of genetic engineering is also controversial. The federal executive board advocates research under certain conditions, the amendments provide for narrow limits or, conversely, more freedom. “As with any technology, the political compass for dealing with new and old genetic engineering processes must be, on the one hand, to guarantee freedom of research and, on the other hand, to exclude dangers to humans and the environment in use. “says the compromise proposal of the party leadership. “The focus is not on technology, but on its opportunities, risks and consequences.”

1300 changes to policy

A second area of ​​conflict: the federal executive board advocates orienting climate goals towards the Paris climate agreement. Critics of the environmental movement are not going far enough, demanding a clear limit at 1.5 degrees. Discussions on the new basic program begin on Saturday. More than 1,300 amendments were presented by the bases.

With information from Sabine Henkel, ARD capital studio
