The crown situation is getting worse, now every day counts


Good morning dear readers

Here’s the annotated overview of the day’s topics:


Does not look good in Germany, the situation of the crown worsens almost every hour. Spain declares a state of emergency. Italy introduces a strict curfew starting at 6 p.m. In the Switzerland the government underestimated the situation for weeks and is now frantically trying to counter it. In the Netherlands Almost one in two beds in intensive care units is occupied by a Covid 19 patient, and some hospitals are already full. “The water reaches their necks”, says a spokesman for the authorities. In Czech Republic breathing equipment is increasingly scarce, the country ranks second in Europe with 730 infections per 100,000 inhabitants. Take the sad first rank Belgium one, there are 738. About a third of the medical staff in Belgian hospitals are infected with Corona, but they still have to work because no one else can care for the seriously ill. “Our hospitals are on the edge of the abyss,” warns Brussels epidemiologist Marius Gilbert.

We hear the warning and remember: About four weeks ago, the number of infections in Belgium was at the level we just reached in Germany. Does that mean that we also inevitably enter an emergency, the confinement, fall into an even more acute health, economic and social crisis? It doesn’t have to come to that. Even in this country, more and more health authorities are capitulating and can no longer track infections, but hospitals are not yet overloaded. Most people follow the rules of hygiene and the calls of the Chancellor: if you don’t necessarily have to travel, stay home. Anyone who has planned a celebration postpones it until spring. Lothar Wieler, Institute director Robert Koch says: Compared to the first wave crown in spring Today, many more people are infected in private gatherings. That is why it is now in their own hands for each citizen: Can we prevent worse things or do we find ourselves in situations like in the rest of Europe? Every day counts now. And discipline.


Anyone who continues to stare at the Corona situation quickly ignores other things. This is not only happening to politicians these days, but also to journalists. In normal times, you can find pretty good international coverage in German newspapers, magazines, TV stations, and news websites. But now Corona is absorbing the attention and covering other events that would really be worth watching. It’s risky. Our world is changing so rapidly and fundamentally that many events can have profound consequences, for the local population, but also for us in Central Europe. Therefore, it is advisable to raise your head at least occasionally and see what is happening in the world apart from the pandemic. Here is a selection:

Libyan army soldiers secure confiscated weapons.  (Source: imago images)Libyan army soldiers secure confiscated weapons. (Source: imago images)

In libya have the parties in conflict through the mediation of the United Nations agreed to a truce. So persistent peace diplomacy pays off. But you must not give in now. Only when Russia, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates denounce their fighters and calm the country, can the plight of thousands of people be alleviated and the smuggling route in the Mediterranean cut off.

Police arrest protesters in Minsk.  (Source: AP / dpa)Police arrest protesters in Minsk. (Source: AP / dpa)

In Belarus More than 100,000 people protested against the dictator Lukashenko over the weekend, and the regime is hitting harder and harder. Now the police appear to be shooting live ammunition. Leader of the opposition Swetlana Tichanowskaja Calls for the resignation of the despot and has announced “a national strike of all companies, the blocking of all roads and the collapse of sales in state shops” for Monday. Signs point to a storm, and the EU has to decide whether it wants to intervene more actively, or perhaps witness a massacre on its doorstep.

Azerbaijani bombardments destroyed this pensioner's home.  (Source: AP / dpa)Azerbaijani bombings destroyed the home of this retiree. (Source: AP / dpa)

In Nagorno-Karabakh the fight continues after the Washington crisis summit. Out of the city Stepanakert fire is reported again. Russian President Putin reports 5,000 deaths, but so far he has been unable to moderate rival heads of government in Armenia and Azerbaijan more than Turkish President Erdogan. Or maybe they don’t want it at all, both Moscow and Ankara are handing over arms to the Caucasus.

More and more people in Venezuela are starving.  (Source: imago images)More and more people in Venezuela go hungry. (Source: imago images)

In Venezuela has opposition leaders Leopoldo Lopez he gave up his fight against the Maduro rulers and leave the country. Political reforms, fair elections or even an end to hunger and poverty in the oil-rich country are now a long way off. So even more citizens will try to leave their homes and flee to neighboring countries. Foreign politicians hope the United States will deal more intensely with Venezuela after the presidential election, whatever that means.

Pockets full, eyes empty: the Lebanese power clique simply wants to carry on.  (Source: imago images)Pockets full, eyes empty: the Lebanese power clique simply wants to carry on. (Source: imago images)

In lebanon the corrupt power elite prevailed, permanent prime minister Saad hariri it should form a “new” government from renowned extractors. The will to reform after the Beirut port explosion has evaporated, as have citizens’ hopes for change. Especially the one controlled by Iran Hezbollah block any change and defend your benefit. Almost 60 per cent of the almost seven million inhabitants have fallen into poverty and more and more are leaving the country for Europe: The rich by plane, the poor by rubber boat.

Five crises, five scenes which in the minds of most people are displaced by the continuous reports of corona, just like that Famine in Yemen, Syria, South Sudan, Burundi, Comoros, Somalia, the Central African Republic and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Like the uprising in Nigeria, the awakening in Chile, the fight for freedom in Hong Kong and, and, and … We must not lose sight of these places. Otherwise, we might regret it at some point.



Norbert Röttgen, Friedrich Merz and Armin Laschet are running for the presidency of the CDU.  (Source: Getty Images)Norbert Röttgen, Friedrich Merz and Armin Laschet are running for the presidency of the CDU. (Source: Getty Images)

CDU dies In view of the crown’s situation, he has to bury his plan to elect his new boss at a party congress with 1,001 delegates on December 4. The party leadership wants to decide today if there will be a vote by mail or if they postpone the confrontation until spring. The reason for the complaints in the party is different: more and more members do not consider that any of the three candidates is strong enough to win the general election next fall. Our reporter Tim Kummert asked behind the scenes.


The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China starting today to discuss the new five-year turbo-capitalist plan. Everything is very sensitive, everything behind closed doors, everything is undemocratic. A decision must also be made on whether Beijing will readjust its relationship with the US after the trade conflict and the crown pandemic. In other words: his growing power was enforced even more ruthlessly.


    (Source: Fabian Reinbold / (Source: Fabian Reinbold /

This shield discovered our Washington correspondent, Fabian Reinbold, while walking through the neighborhood. “For the love of God,” it says there, please, everyone should become president, but not Trump! For my colleague, this plea sums up a sentiment that he finds time and again far from the liberal capital of the United States: Many Americans, including some who voted for him four years ago, are simply worn out by Donald Trump. Why this burnout is more dangerous than the usual outrage for the president a week before the election, Reinbold explains here.



Europeans often look at the United States in amazement. It helps if someone knows your way and can explain a few things. Why money plays such an important role in American politics, why many citizens swear by guns, and why Americans sometimes envy Europeans, the historian has Ronald D. Barley explained to my colleague Marc von Lüpke.


Many young people suffer from the rules of the crown – Do politicians understand this? My colleagues at asked Olaf Scholz, Armin Laschet, Robert Habeck and others.


Kevin Kühnert (SPD) accuses the political left of loudly denouncing right-wing extremism, but keeping silent about Islamist violence. Is that correct? Our columnist Lamya Kaddor can clarify part of the debate.


Claudia pfister she is a fair citizen; however, the police suddenly investigated her. Criminals had stolen their identity and made money from it on the Internet. He told his story to my colleagues Philip Friedrichs, Arno Wölk and Nicolas Lindken.


What amuses me?

Everything has its two faces.

    (Source: Mario Lars) (Source: Mario Lars)

I wish you a rest day.



Florian Damage
Editor-in-chief of t-online
Email: [email protected]

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