The crown deniers are still in Berlin: the police have to approve the next demonstration! – Berlin


They roamed the capital all Saturday, camped on the road in front of the Victory Column in Großer Stern that night, and by Sunday morning there was no end in sight to the protests.

Berlin – Critics and opponents of the Crown measures met again in the morning in front of the Victory Column on Großer Stern in the Tiergarten. The police were on duty and told people to leave.

Am Sonntagmorgen sammelten sich wieder Demonstranten vor der Siegessäule am Großen SternPhoto: Johannes Malinowski

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On Sunday morning, the protesters gathered again in front of the Victory Column in Großer SternPhoto: Johannes Malinowski

After the chaos in Berlin on Saturday, things started again at 11am today. One of the people who signed up for the so-called discussion event was the “711 lateral thinking” initiative.

Beamte entfernen eines der ZeltePhoto: Johannes Malinowski

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Officials remove one of the tents.Photo: Johannes Malinowski

But a different situation arose in the place: the discussion did not take place, the stage was not used. Instead, there was a heated climate among the local protesters.

Polizisten haben am Großen Stern eine Kette gebildetPhoto: Christoph Soeder / dpa

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Police officers have formed a chain on the Big StarPhoto: Christoph Soeder / dpa

Police made several announcements on loudspeakers asking the protesters to leave the scene because the demonstration had not been approved. Then there was even stronger resistance.

Ein Mann liegt auf dem Boden, wird festgenommenPhoto: Christoph Soeder / dpa

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A man lies on the ground and is arrested.Photo: Christoph Soeder / dpa

► Around 12:30 pm the police repressed them and broke up the meeting. The entire Great Star will be evacuated. The police first threatened arrest over the loudspeaker, then it was implemented: “Stay away or they will arrest you,” it read.

According to estimates by the BILD reporter, there are currently around 1,000 protesters at the scene.

Saturday protests

According to police estimates, nearly 40,000 people from across Germany demonstrated largely peacefully against Corona’s policy on Saturday.

On the periphery, however, there were attacks by Reich citizens and right-wing extremists against police officers in front of the Russian embassy near the Brandenburg Gate. A crowd of 3,000 people threw stones and bottles.

Interior Senator Andreas Geisel (SPD) reported Saturday night that around 300 people were arrested during the day, around 200 in the attacks just in front of the Russian embassy.

The police did not allow a first demonstration to start on Saturday afternoon because the minimum distances to protect against infection were not observed. In the afternoon, tens of thousands of people were able to demonstrate on Straße des 17. Juni in Tiergarten.

Storm on the Reichstag Stairs

In the early afternoon there were terrifying scenes in front of the Reichstag building: a mob stormed the stairs there! They had previously broken through the barriers in the Reichstag building.

They climbed the stairs and stood triumphantly in front of the glass-enclosed visitor entrance. You could also see the black-white-red imperial flags used by the so-called imperial citizens, but also other flags.

Initially, only three policemen faced the roaring crowd. After a while, reinforcements arrived and the police also used pepper spray to drive people back.
