The country must be put to rest: Saxony is going to be blockaded again


I have to calm the country
Saxony is going back to a hard lock

The vote of the Saxon state government is clear: it is not enough. The country has the highest corona incidences nationwide. Now the government is taking action. Starting next week, the Free State will be closed again, except for an emergency operation. Daycare and retail establishments are closing.

Saxony, which is currently particularly affected by the corona virus, will enter a harsh lockdown from next Monday. Schools, kindergartens, after-school care centers and retail stores, with the exception of essential supplies, will be closed, as Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer announced after a cabinet meeting in Dresden. Therefore, the lock should apply until January 10.

Looking at the measures taken so far, Kretschmer said: “It is not enough.” Behind the high incidence were tangible problems, such as hospitals operating at the limit of what is possible. Therefore, the state government “decided to have to bring this country to rest.” Act decisively and carefully.

The situation is now much more dramatic in autumn than in spring, said the head of government. However, and this is what drives other prime ministers as well, people take the situation much less seriously than they did then. The Free State has seen an increase in infections since October 1. The reasons for this are, depending on the season, less UV light and more stays in closed rooms. “The virus has more power,” said the CDU politician.

The measures will be discussed in the coming days with social actors, representatives of the economy and also in parliament. The objective is then to decide on the strict blockade of parliament on Friday.
