The countries of the Union agree: a total blockade is possible from next week


The countries of the Union agree
Hard lock possible from next week

The Union-led federal states and Baden-Württemberg agree: life in Germany should be closed before Christmas. According to Prime Minister Kretschmann, this could start next week. There is also approval from individual countries with SPD heads of government.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the prime ministers of the CDU and CSU are, according to the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, in favor of a national shutdown before Christmas. “Our society has to adapt to a hard blockade, and it turns out that more before Christmas and not after Christmas,” said the green politician after a change of Crown with Merkel and the Prime Minister of the Union.

Other groups of participants said that this was the general attitude. Kretschmann went on to explain at the Green state party conference in Reutlingen: “Everyone has to wait for next week to start when we largely shut down social life. The final decision will be made at the Prime Minister’s Conference this Sunday.

It also heard approval from individual SPD-led federal states for a strict shutdown before Christmas. The increasing number of infections left the prime minister no choice, said Kretschmann, who leads a green-black government in the Southwest and therefore participates in certain rounds of Union prime ministers.

Scholz urges solidarity

In view of the high crown numbers, calls for a quick block had gotten significantly louder in recent days. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz called for swift restrictions in the retail sector. “It will be difficult for the retailers, the men and women who work there, for those who have built businesses, it will be difficult for the children, the parents, the young and the old,” he said in Berlin. The SPD politician promised that the government would be attentive to the associated economic and social consequences. The finance minister urged solidarity: “It is clear to me that we can do it together.” But everyone would have to stick to the rules for this. “Doing nothing is something we really can’t afford to do.”

Hamburg virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit called for a clear target. “The most important thing is that we need a sustainable strategy. A blockade sequence is not a long-term strategy,” he told the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung”. It suggests that health department employees should focus more on protecting the elderly in the future. These could “develop and implement test concepts.”

Intensive care physician Christian Karagiannidis called for a hard lockdown from Monday: A complete lockdown from December 14 could soon lead to a trend reversal in intensive care capabilities, the chief scientist of the care registry told newspapers. intensive courses of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive and Emergency Medicine (DIVI). Funke Media Group.

FDP warns of disproportionate

Some federal states already issued far-reaching restrictions before Sunday’s federal-state meeting. In Saxony, for example, the lockdown will start on Monday. In Baden-Württemberg there will be a departure restriction from Saturday. It is considered relatively certain that the prime ministers will decide the closure. However, it is not yet clear when it should start and what exactly it includes. According to the newspaper “Bild”, the Chancellery asks that shops, schools and nurseries be closed from next Wednesday. Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer also spoke in favor of a joint decision against the opening of German ski areas. “Anything else would be inconsistent in view of the numbers,” he told “Spiegel.”

In one day, German health authorities sent 28,438 new corona infections to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI). The peak was reached on Friday with 29,875 reported cases. Last Saturday the figure was 23,318.

Federal Economy Minister Peter Altmaier warned of a loss of control. “The contagion rate has accelerated dramatically in the last three days. We are once again in a phase of exponential growth and we are seeing that the first intensive care units are reaching their capacity limits,” the CDU politician told the network publishing house Germany. There is no way you can wait until after Christmas to react.

The leader of the FDP, Christian Lindner, insisted on maintaining proportionality in the new planned measures. “Now there will be a Corona emergency brake, because a sustainable strategy is still missing,” he told the German Press Agency in Berlin. “But there must be no disproportionately sharp interference with fundamental rights.” In particular, Lindner rejected the exit restrictions. “Flat-rate and national curfews like in Bavaria are unnecessary and go over the mark. There is no risk of infection from taking a walk at home or exercising outside.”
