The corona vaccine is the success of Biontech


northOh, nothing is decided. The application for an emergency license has not even been submitted, much less issued. And still: the first data from the large-scale clinical study for the potential vaccine conducted by Mainz-based biotech company Biontech together with its partner Pfizer shows an effectiveness rate of more than 90 percent.

The news is like an explosion. After all, the vaccine was created in a few months, and a much less protective effect would have provided hope in these times of pandemic. But now the Mainz researchers appear to have succeeded with their technology to counter the pandemic with a real weapon. There are still many open questions. For example, it remains to be seen how long the protective effect will last.

You also need to make sure over and over again that the first approved vaccines will be just an additional intermediate step. After all, there won’t be enough vaccinations for everyone from the start. However, success in Mainz is much more than a brief ray of hope.
