The container ship “MV Ever Given” blocks the Suez Canal


Panorama “MV always given”

A huge container ship stands on the other side of the Suez Canal and blocks it

Aerial photographs show the transverse ship in the canal. Aerial photographs show the transverse ship in the canal

Aerial photographs show the ship lying across the canal.

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The container ship “MV Ever Given” has crossed the Suez Canal. It is not yet clear why. Traffic jams formed on both sides of the canal: the important transport link between Europe and Asia is completely blocked.

mein Freighter ran aground in the Suez Canal on Wednesday night and has since blocked the important sea route between Asia and Europe.

Initially, several tugs were in use around the freighter, as seen on and ship radars. Consequently, container ship congestion formed both north and south of the canal.

The incident occurred on Tuesday, the transportation and logistics company GAC reported on its website. A power outage, a “blackout,” is said to have occurred aboard the freighter.

Meanwhile, the British media are already talking about another possible explanation for the accident: a sudden gust of wind. The Guardian quotes the operating company as saying: “The container ship accidentally ran aground after an unexpected gust of wind hit it.”

Egyptian meteorological experts said the newspaper said the area was hit by strong winds and a sandstorm at the time.

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The bow of the “Ever Given” touched the east wall of the canal, according to data from Its stern seemed to be glued to the western wall. It was surrounded by several tugs. A photo posted on Instagram also shows the horizontal “Ever Given.”

According to, the “Ever Given” is 400 meters long and 59 meters wide. According to a United Nations database, the ship belongs to the Japanese company Shoei Kisen KK.

From China on the way to Rotterdam

The ship, built in 2018, sails under the Panamanian flag. It came from China and was heading to Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

Stuck ...

Stuck …

Source: AFP

... several rescue attempts have already failed

… several rescue attempts have already failed

Source: AFP

It was initially unclear when the shipping route could be reopened. The channel authorities have not yet spoken.

The Suez Canal is a waterway that connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. It is an eminently important maritime connection and the main trade route between Asia and Europe.
