The Christmas holidays start earlier in Bavaria


Bavaria prefers the Christmas holidays because of Corona: instead of December 23, they start on December 21. As Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) told Bayerischer Rundfunk, the last day of school is Friday, December 18.

With the early start of the holidays, the distance between lessons and Christmas increases, Söder said. “In this way, we are improving the possibilities for Bavarian families to celebrate the most important holiday of the year in a healthy and carefree way.” The risk of infection is “significantly reduced” by the waiting period of almost a week between school lessons and Christmas.

The Minister of Culture Piazolo involved

Bavarian Culture Minister Michael Piazolo (Free Voters) participated in the decision. “The prime minister and I discussed the issue of the ‘earlier start of the Christmas holidays’, so I participated,” Piazolo said when asked by BR. “We are already working in the ministry on the specific design (for example, emergency care).”

A few weeks ago, Piazolo had spoken out against shaking up the dates of the Christmas holidays. Such debates only cause discomfort, the minister had told the BR. You do not want to shorten or lengthen the discussion. There are so many problems you have to solve at school that you shouldn’t talk all the time on vacation, Piazolo said.

North Rhine-Westphalia has also scheduled the Christmas holidays before

A few days ago, North Rhine-Westphalia had already scheduled the Christmas holidays earlier. In many other countries they start on December 21 anyway.
