The Bundestag examines the ban on “gray wolves”


The Bundestag wants to stop the far-right Turkish organization “Gray Wolves” in Germany. A joint motion by the CDU / CSU, the SPD, the FDP and the Greens, which was approved by the parliamentary majority on Wednesday, calls on the federal government to examine the ban on associations of the so-called Ülkücü movement. It was racist, anti-Semitic and undemocratic and it threatened the internal security of this country, it was said to justify it.

According to the protection report of the German constitution, the “gray wolves” are “carriers and propagators” of right-wing nationalist extremist ideas. The organization also has ties to the ultra-nationalist MHP party in Turkey, which forms a government alliance there with President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP party.

The Bundestag wants to stop the far-right organization in Germany now. A joint proposal by CDU / CSU, SPD, FDP and the Greens won a majority in parliament. This asks the federal government to examine the ban on the so-called Ülkücü movement. It was racist, anti-Semitic and undemocratic and it threatened the internal security of this country, it was said to justify it. At SPIEGEL, CDU politicians had recently urged them to take action against ultra-nationalists in Germany (read more here). The “agitation against all non-Turkish ethnic groups such as the Kurds and Armenians” represents a “considerable threat to our free and democratic basic order.”

The French government had dissolved the “gray wolves” in their country two weeks ago. They incite discrimination and hatred and are involved in acts of violence, they said. In the motion that has now passed, the French approach is expressly welcomed by the Bundestag. He hopes other states will follow suit.

Icon: The mirror
